In order to classify, regulate, and restrict the location of trade and industry, and the location of buildings designated for specific uses, to protect residential uses, to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered, to regulate and limit the intensity of the use of lot areas, and to regulate and determine the areas of yards and open space within and surrounding such buildings, the city is hereby divided into zoning districts. The use, height, and area regulations shall be uniform in each district, and said districts shall be known as:
(A) Agricultural and rural districts.
(1) A-1 Agricultural District.
(2) RR Rural Residential District.
(B) Residential districts.
(1) R-1 Traditional Single-Family Residential District.
(2) R-2 Suburban Single-Family Residential District.
(3) R-3 Medium Density Residential District.
(4) R-4 Multiple-Family Residential District.
(C) Commercial districts.
(1) B-1 Downtown Business District.
(2) B-2 Highway Business District.
(D) Industrial districts.
(1) I-1 Light Industrial District.
(E) Special districts.
(1) POS Public and Open Space District.
(2) HP Historic Preservation Overlay District.
(F) Environmental protection districts.
(1) SL Shoreland Management Overlay District.
(2) FP Floodplain Management Overlay District.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011; Am. Ord. 2017-05-02A, passed 5-2-2017)
(A) The regulations of this title within each district shall be minimum regulations and shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure of land, and particularly except as hereinafter provided.
(B) No buildings, structure, or land shall hereafter be used or occupied, and no building, structure, or part thereof shall hereafter be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located.
(C) No building or other structure shall hereafter be erected or altered to exceed the height or bulk, to accommodate or house a greater number of families, to occupy greater percentage of lot area, to have narrower or smaller rear yard, front yard, side yard, or other open space, than herein required, or in any other manner contrary to the provisions of this title.
(D) No yard or lot existing at the time of passage of this title shall be reduced in dimensions or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein. Yards or lots created after the effective date of this title, June 7, 2011, shall meet at least the minimum requirements established by this title.
(E) Lot requirements and setbacks. The following are the minimum requirements for lots and setbacks in each established zoning district. All requirements and setbacks are to be construed as indicating the minimum footages permitted unless otherwise specified.
| ||||||||||
A-1 Agricultural District | RR Rural Residential District | R-1 Traditional Single- Family District | R-2 Suburban Single- Family Residential District | R-3 Medium Density Residential District | R-4 Multiple-Family Residential District | B-1 Downtown Business District | B-2 Highway Business District | I-1 Light Industrial District | POS Public and Open Space District |
| ||||||||||
A-1 Agricultural District | RR Rural Residential District | R-1 Traditional Single- Family District | R-2 Suburban Single- Family Residential District | R-3 Medium Density Residential District | R-4 Multiple-Family Residential District | B-1 Downtown Business District | B-2 Highway Business District | I-1 Light Industrial District | POS Public and Open Space District | |
Lot Area | 40 acres | 10 acres | Interior lot: 5,000 sq ft Corner lot: 6,500 sq ft | Interior lot: 12,000 sq ft Corner lot: 15,000 sq ft | Single-family interior lot: 8,400 sq ft Single-family corner lot: 10,200 sq ft Two-family interior lot: 9,600 sq ft | Base lot: 15,000 sq ft Two-Family and townhome unit lots: The following minimum unit lot requirements shall be applied to the subdivision of two-family dwellings or townhomes to permit individual private ownership of a single dwelling within such a structure: 1. Lot Area: Two-family or townhome unit lots shall have sufficient lot area to include the living area, garages, decks, patios, or porches of the individual dwelling units | None | 20,000 sq ft | 30,000 sq ft | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 20,000 sq ft |
Lot Width | 660 feet | 330 feet | Interior lot: 50 feet Corner lot: 65 feet | Interior lot: 80 feet Corner lot: 100 feet | Single-family interior lot: 70 feet Single-family corner lot: 85 feet Two-family interior lot: 80 feet Two-family corner lot: 95 feet | 100 feet | None | 100 feet | 150 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 100 feet |
Lot Depth | 660 feet | 330 feet | 100 feet | 150 feet | 125 feet | 100 feet | None | 100 feet | 150 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 100 feet |
Front Yard Setback | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 30 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Rear Yard Setback | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 20 feet or the height of the building whichever is greater | 15 feet | 30 feet | 30 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: 10 feet (buildings only) All other uses & buildings: 30 feet |
Side Yard Setback | 20 feet | 20 feet | 5 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | None | 20 feet | 20 feet | 10 feet |
Side Yard Setback Corner Lot | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 20 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Residential District Setback | - | - | - | - | - | - | 30 feet | 50 feet | 50 feet | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: 30 feet (buildings only) All other uses & buildings: 40 feet |
Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage | None | None | 40% | 30% | 35% | 45% | None | 75% | 75% | Parks, playgrounds, play fields, trails, and open space: None All other uses: 75% |
Maximum Height | 3 stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 2 ½ stories or 35 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | 3 stories or 40 feet, whichever is less | None |
Detached Accessory Structures | ||||||||||
Front Yard Setback | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 30 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Rear Yard Setback | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | None | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Rear Yard Setback - Detached private garage with direct vehicle access to a public street | 30 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | - | - | - | - |
Side Yard Setback | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet | 10 feet |
Side Yard Setback Corner Lot | 30 feet | 30 feet | 20 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 30 feet to curb on private streets or 20 feet to ROW | None | 30 feet | 40 feet | 30 feet |
Side Yard Setback Corner Lot-Detached private garage with direct vehicle access to a public street | 30 feet | 30 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | 25 feet | - | - | - | - |
Height | 15 feet except detached accessory buildings other than garages may be 20 feet. Agricultural buildings on farm properties are exempt. | 15 feet except detached accessory buildings other than garages may be 20 feet. Agricultural buildings on farm properties are exempt. | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 15 feet | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi- public uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi-publi c uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi-publi c uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP | 20 feet except buildings and structures accessory to public and semi-public uses may exceed 20 feet with the issuance of a CUP |
NOTE: Maximum Impervious Surface Coverage in the shoreland areas of the city shall be 25%. | ||||||||||
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)
Zoning district boundary lines established by this title generally follow lot lines, the centerlines of railroad rights-of-way, street rights-of-way, watercourses, or the corporate limit lines, all as they exist upon effective date of this title, June 7, 2011.
(A) Appeals concerning the exact location of a zoning district boundary line shall be heard by the City Council serving as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals pursuant to Chapter 195 (Appeals) of this title.
(B) Whenever any street, alley, or other public way is vacated by official action of the city, the zoning district adjoining each side of such street, alley, or public way shall be automatically extended to the center of such vacation, and all area included in the vacation shall then and henceforth be subject to all appropriate regulations of the extended districts.
(C) All streets, alleys, public ways, and railroad rights-of-way, if not otherwise specifically designated, shall be deemed to be in the same zone as the property in the most restrictive classification immediately abutting upon such alleys, streets, public ways, or railroad rights-of-way. Where the centerline of a street, alley, public way, or railroad right-of-way serves as a district boundary, the zoning of such areas, unless otherwise specifically designated, shall be deemed to be the same as that of the abutting property up to such centerline.
(D) All areas within the corporate limits of the city which are underwater and which are not shown as included within any zone shall be subject to all regulations of the zone which immediately adjoins such water area. If such water area adjoins 2 or more zones, the boundaries of each zone shall be construed to be extended into the water area in a straight line until they meet the other district at the halfway point and/or to the corporate limits. District boundaries indicated as following shorelines shall be construed to follow such shorelines, and in the event of change in shoreline shall be construed as moving with the actual shoreline. District boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerlines of streams, rivers, lakes, or other bodies of water shall be construed to follow such centerlines.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)
The location and boundaries of the districts established by this title are hereby set forth on the zoning map entitled Center City Zoning Map. Said map shall be on file with the Zoning Administrator, and hereinafter referred to as the “zoning map.” Said map and all the notations, references, and other information shown thereon shall have the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein and thereby made a part of this title by reference. It is the responsibility of the Zoning Administrator to maintain the Center City Zoning Map, and amendments thereto shall be recorded on said map. The official Center City Zoning Map shall be kept on file in the city hall.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)
All land hereafter annexed to the city which is not shown on the zoning map shall automatically, upon annexation, be classified within the A-1 Agricultural District and shall be subject to all regulations, notations, references, and conditions as are applicable to said district until such time that a determination may be made as to the proper district classification for such land and a map amendment can be made to that effect.
(Ord. 2011-06-07A, passed 6-7-2011)