There is established the position of Community Development Director per the following classification specifications:
   (a)   Title. Community Development Director.
   (b)   Job Responsibilities. Responsible directly to the Mayor for planning and implementation of the City's economic and community development program and the coordinating, application and management of State and Federal grant programs. Perform other related duties as may be assigned by the Mayor.
   (c)   Qualifications. Any combination of training and work experience which indicates possession of the skills, knowledge and abilities listed herein. Degree in economic development, city planning, urban studies or related discipline plus five years of experience in economic and community development programs.
   (d)   Illustrative Responsibilities.
      (1)   Establish, promote and coordinate economic programs:
         A.   An industrial and commercial attraction program;
         B.   An industrial and commercial retention and expansion program;
         C.   A tourist attraction program;
         D.   Downtown revitalization program;
         E.   Coordinate retail expansion.
      (2)   Conduct economic promotional activities such as:
         A.   Coordinate City economic activities with other agencies such as the Ohio Department of Development, the Ohio Development Association, the Midwest Ohio Joint Planning Council, Agri-Business (REAP) Program, Mercer County Community Improvement Corporation, Ohio Department of Tourism, etc.;
         B.   Gather, tabulate and disseminate needed data on local economic statistics such as available industrial and commercial sites, labor information, utility rates and local contact persons;
         C.   Prepare or assist in preparation of needed promotional literature, pictures, slide presentations, movies, ads and news releases;
         D.   Disseminate promotional materials to prospective industrial and commercial firms;
         E.   Make contact with prospective firms and aggressively follow-up;
         F.   Assist community representatives in selling area to prospective firms;
         G.   Prepare releases and stories for news media and disseminate news releases and stories to the media;
         H.   Promote local firms' products and encourage use of local companies for purchases of materials, goods and contracting.
      (3)   Coordinate, assist, apply and manage State and Federal government grant programs relating to City community development and creation of jobs.
      (4)   Assist existing and potential industries, commercial and tourist firms in obtaining State and local funding.
   (e)   Benefits. The Community Development Director shall receive all benefits provided regular full-time City employees.
(Ord. 36-86-0. Passed 11-24-86.)