(a) General Discharge Prohibitions. No person shall introduce, discharge, contribute, or cause to be discharged, directly or indirectly, any of the following described substances or materials to the City’s POTW or other wastewater facilities of the City:
(1) Any liquids, solids or gases which, by reason of their nature or quantity, are, or may be, sufficient either alone or by interaction, to cause a fire or explosion hazard in the POTW, including but not limited to, waste streams with a closed cup flashpoint of less than 140 degrees F or 60 degrees C using the test methods specified in 40 CFR 261.21, or are injurious to the operation of the POTW;
(2) Solid or viscous substances or materials that will, or may, cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or other interference with the operation of the POTW;
(3) Any wastewater having a pH less than 6.0 or higher than 11.0 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing structural damage or hazard to the City’s POTW or causes, or is capable of causing, a hazard to POTW workers;
(4) Any toxic pollutant in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction, that injures or interferes with any wastewater treatment process, constitutes a hazard to humans or animals, or exceeds the limitations established by the Director for such toxic pollutant;
(5) Any noxious or malodorous liquids, gases or solids which, either singly or by interaction, are capable of creating a public nuisance, worker health and safety problem, hazard to life, or are sufficient to prevent entry into the sewers or POTW for maintenance and repair;
(6) Any material or substance which may (a) cause the POTW’s effluent or treatment residues, sludges, solids, or scums, to be unsuitable for land application, reclamation, or reuse; or (b) interfere with any land application, reclamation, or reuse process employed by the City or its contractors. In no case, shall a material or substance introduced or discharged to the POTW cause the POTW to be in noncompliance with any local, state or federal law, including, but not limited to, sludge use or disposal criteria, adopted by USEPA under Section 405 or 503 of the Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, or State standards applicable to the sludge management method being used by the City;
(7) Any material or substance which will cause the City’s POTW to violate its NPDES permit, and/or any other permit issued to the City or City’s POTW.
(8) Any material or substance with objectionable color not removed in the treatment process, such as, but not limited to, dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions;
(9) Any wastewater having a temperature higher than 65° Centigrade (149° Fahrenheit) or which causes the wastewater at the headworks of the POTW treatment plant to exceed 40° Centigrade (104° Fahrenheit);
(10) Any slugload as defined herein;
(11) Any unpolluted water including, but not limited to, non-contact cooling water, storm water, boiler blowdown, or air compressor drips;
(12) Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half-life or concentrations as exceed limits established by the Director, or any applicable State or Federal standards or regulations;
(13) Any wastewater, which causes a hazard to human life or creates a public nuisance.
(14) Any water or wastes containing floatable oils, fat, or grease, or containing more than 50 milligrams per liter of petroleum oil, products of mineral oil origin, or other nonbiodegradable oils or substances, as determined by analysis of a grab sample. Grease and oil interception devices or traps shall be provided in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 911.
(15) Any waste or wastewater with a closed cup flash point of 60° Centigrade (140° Fahrenheit) when tested using the test method specified in 40 CFR 261.21.
(16) Waste from garbage grinders, except wastes generated in preparation of food normally consumed on the premises, or waste of a specific character whose discharge after the Director authorizes grinding. Waste from garbage grinders used for grinding plastic, paper products or inert materials shall not be introduced or discharged to the POTW.
(17) Any material or substance into a manhole or other opening in the POTW without approval from the Director.
(18) Any deleterious substance;
(19) Any trucked and/or hauled waste, unless authorized by the Director.
(b) Limitations on Wastewater Strength.
(1) National categorical pretreatment standards. National categorical pretreatment standards established by USEPA pursuant to section 307 of the Act and set forth in 40 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter N - Effluent Guidelines and Standards, shall be complied with by all Dischargers, subject to such national categorical standards, within three years of the date such standard shall become effective, unless a shorter time period is specified in the appropriate subpart of 40 CFR Chapter 1, subchapter N.
(2) Right of revision. The City reserves the right to amend this Chapter to establish more stringent local effluent limitations, or other requirements than the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards, that are necessary to protect the POTW and POTW workers, prevent pass through and interference, or when otherwise needed to achieve the objectives set forth in Section 917.01.
(3) Dilution. No Discharger shall increase the use of potable or process water in any way, nor mix separate waste streams, for the purpose of diluting a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with the standards set forth in this Chapter.
(Ord. 19-02-0. Passed 6-3-02.)
(4) Supplemental limitations. No Discharger shall discharge wastewater in excess of the following limitations, where the concentrations of the listed pollutants are determined from composite samples collected from the Discharger over a 24 hour time period of operation, so as to produce a representative sample of the Discharger’s discharge to the POTW:
Pollutant Limitations | ugl parts/billion |
Total cyanide |
Total Chromium |
Total Copper |
Total Zinc |
Total Cadmium |
Total Nickel |
Total Phenols |
Total Lead |
Mercury |
Total Silver |
Total Arsenic |
Total Selenium |
Total Molybdenum |
(Ord. 38-09-O. Passed 6-22-09.)
(5) All Dischargers shall comply with the supplemental limits set forth in Table 917-1. The City may, in its sole discretion, allow a Discharger a period of time, not to exceed 3 years, to comply with said supplemental limitations after notice to and consultation with the Discharger, and taking into consideration equipment delivery, construction completion times, and permit processing.
(6) Industries subject to National Categorical Pretreatment Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards shall, in addition to complying with the supplemental limitations set forth in Table 917-1, comply with the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards as established in Section 917.03(b)(1).
(7) In any permit issued by the City to an industrial Discharger, the applicable permit limit for a pollutant specified in the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards or in Table 917-1 shall be the more stringent of such standards or limitations.
(c) Accidental Discharges.
(1) Each Discharger shall provide protection from a slugload, or accidental discharge, of prohibited or regulated pollutants, materials or substances. Equipment and facilities needed to prevent a slugload or accidental discharge of prohibited pollutants, materials or substances shall be provided and maintained by the Discharger at the Discharger’s expense. Detailed plans showing equipment, facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection shall be submitted to the Director for review, and shall be approved by the Director prior to construction of the facility. No Discharger, who discharges, to the POTW shall be permitted to introduce pollutants into the system until slugload and the Director has approved accidental discharge protection procedures. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures, by the Director, shall not relieve the
Discharger from the responsibility to modify its facility, as necessary, to meet the requirements of this Chapter. Approval of slugload and accidental discharge protection facilities by the Director does not, in any way, guarantee that these facilities will function in the manner described by their owner, designer or contractor, nor shall it relieve any person of the responsibility to enlarge or otherwise modify such facilities to accomplish the intended purpose.
(2) Dischargers shall notify the Director immediately upon the occurrence of a slugload, or accidental discharge of substances prohibited by this Chapter. The notification shall include location of discharge, date and time thereof, type of waste, concentration and volume, and corrective actions. This notification shall be followed, within five (5) business days of the date of occurrence, by a detailed written statement from the Discharger describing the causes of the slug or accidental discharge and the measures being taken to prevent its future occurrence. Any Discharger who discharges a slugload of prohibited materials shall be liable for (a) any expense, loss or damage to the POTW; and (b) the amount of any State or Federal fines imposed on the City as a result of said discharge.
(3) Signs shall be permanently posted in conspicuous places on Discharger’s premises advising employees whom to call in the event of a slug or accidental discharge. Employers shall instruct all employees, who may cause or discover such a discharge, with respect to emergency notification procedure.
(Ord. 19-02-0. Passed 6-3-02.)
(Ord. 19-02-0. Passed 6-3-02.)