(a) Minimum Yard Requirements. Nonresidential buildings or uses shall not be located nor conducted closer to any lot line of "R-l", "R-2" or "R-3" District than the distance specified in the following schedule, except as provided in subsection (b) hereof.
Minimum Side or Rear Yard Modification Abutting any "R" District (ft.) | Use |
25 | Off-street parking and loading spaces and access drives for nonresidential uses. |
50 | Churches, schools and public or semipublic buildings. |
60 | Recreation facilities, entertainment facilities, motels, trailers and mobile home parks, all commercial uses and billboards. |
100 | Outside sale or storage of building material or construction equipment, all industrial uses, except those listed herein. |
500 | Auto and metal salvage operations; mineral extraction or processing. |
(b) Landscaping or Screening Provisions. For nonresidential uses abutting "R" Districts the minimum yards may be reduced to fifty percent (50%) of the requirements stated in subsection (B) hereof if landscaping or screening, approved by the Zoning Inspector, is provided.
(Ord. 26-99-0. Passed 8-23-99.)