(a)   Intent and Purpose: It is the intent of the Historic Business District to recognize the development and character of the historic commercial area of the Village which is unique because of its architectured style, scale, and form to the history of the Village. It is the purpose of the Historic Business District to preserve the unique character through the recognition of existing setbacks, parking areas and mixed uses by establishment of areas devoted to the use of those retail and personal service businesses that operate as a response to the daily needs of the residents of Village as well as the inclusion of residential uses. This district is created and defined to include the historical business district along Main Street from Cedar Street South to alley past Xenia Avenue.
   (b)   Permitted Principal Uses: Public water supply and sanitary service shall be available to the site, or the owner shall present proof that the proposed on-site water and/or sewage disposal facilities have been approved by the Greene County Health Department and/or the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency before any Zoning Permit shall be issued to such use.
      (1)   Antique Shops.
      (2)   Automobile Parts and Accessory Sales.
      (3)   Bakeries.
      (4)   Banks.
      (5)   Book and Stationery Shops.
      (6)   Business Services.
      (7)   Candy and Ice Cream Stores.
      (8)   Convenience and Carry-out Stores.
      (9)   Clothing and Apparel Stores.
      (10)   Delicatessens.
      (11)   Drug Stores.
      (12)   Food Stores and Groceries.
      (13)   Furniture Repair and Upholstery Stores.
      (14)   Hardware Stores.
      (15)   Ice Sales.
      (16)   Indoor Commercial Entertainment Facilities.
      (17)   Laundry and Dry Cleaning, Self-Service or Pickup.
      (18)   Medical Clinics.
      (19)   Personal Services.
      (20)   Post Office.
      (21)   Professional Office.
      (22)   Restaurants, Sit-Down Service.
      (23)   Variety Stores.
      (24)   Public buildings and/or uses which are supported in whole or in part by taxes or special public assessment. Such uses include but are not limited to parks, playgrounds, libraries, schools, fire stations, police stations, public administrative offices, public maintenance garages and community centers.
      (25)   Essential services.
      (26)   Other uses which are determined by the Board of Zoning Appeals to be the same general character as the above permitted uses, but not including any use which is first permitted or prohibited in the VB District.
      (27)   Dwelling units above street level (i.e.: second floor).
      (28)   Rental and Residential dwelling uses as permitted.
   (c)   Accessory Uses:
      (1)   Off-street parking not required. When provided off-street parking and loading spaces shall be as regulated in Chapter 1121.
      (2)   Signs as regulated in Chapter 1125.
      (3)   Storage within an enclosed building of supplies or merchandise which is normally carried in stock in connection with a permitted use.
      (4)   Temporary buildings or uses as regulated in Section 1117.24 .
   (d)   Conditional Uses: The following uses shall be permitted only in accordance with Section 1137.02 :
      (1)   Accessory living quarters for person employed on the premises.
      (2)   Auction Houses.
      (3)   Clubs, Lodges, Civic or Fraternal Organizations.
      (4)   The creation or making of goods for sale at retail on premises which have high value-to-bulk ratio and not involving extensive mechanization.
      (5)   Motels or Hotels.
      (6)   Off-street Parking Lots.
   (e)   Minimum Dimensional Requirements:
      (1)   Lot Size:
         The minimum lot size for this district shall be 7,500 square feet.
      (2)   Yard Requirements:
   In the (HB) Historic Business District the following minimum yard areas shall be provided.
         A.   Front Yard: No front yard setback shall be required from the existing right-of-way or sidewalk. The setback for new construction shall be no greater than the average setback of existing structure having frontage on the same block.
         B.   Side Yards: No side yard is required. If a side yard is voluntarily provided, it shall not be less than 6 feet from the side lot line or 15 feet from the face of a structure on an adjacent lot, whichever is less.
         C.   Rear Yard: No rear yard is required. If a rear yard is voluntarily provided, it shall not be less than six (6) feet from the rear lot line.