(A) For all public meetings held by all boards and commissions in the town, including the Town Council, in addition to standard staff or recording secretary-kept public meeting minutes, each public meeting, including work- study sessions, shall be digitally audio-recorded. Further, the digital audio-recording kept by the boards and commissions of public meetings held shall contain the full and entire public meeting conducted by such board or commission, without interruption or stoppage of the digital audio-recording, with said digital audio- recording made to be provided at the conclusion of such public meeting to the Town Clerk-Treasurer for recordkeeping and preservation purposes. Each such digital audio-recording of a public meeting of boards and commissions in the town shall be delivered to the Town Clerk-Treasurer within three business days of the public meeting held in acceptable format. Further, the Town Clerk-Treasurer shall maintain the digital audio-recording of public meetings of town boards and commissions for a period not less than one year from the date of such digital audio-recorded public meeting. The recording secretary for each board or commission shall be the responsible town representative to deliver the digital audio-recording of a public meeting of a town board or commission to the Town Clerk-Treasurer and shall be held to strict compliance with the requirements hereby as part of the recording secretary position responsibilities.
(B) In addition to the public meeting recordation policy established above, the Town Council hereby requires each town board and commission to provide a copy of the written public meeting minutes prepared related to a public meeting held to the Town Clerk-Treasurer within three business days of completion of the draft public meeting minutes prepared. Such public meeting minutes are required to be prepared for all town board and commission public meetings, including work-study sessions, and are to be transmitted to the Town Clerk- Treasurer in the time period established herein. The recording secretary of the town board or commission holding such public meeting and responsible designated town administrative staff member assigned to or involved with the particular town board or commission holding the public meeting shall be responsible for transmittal of the draft public meeting minutes to the Town Clerk-Treasurer. Further, upon approval of public meeting minutes by a town board or commission, the same policy of transmittal of the approved public meeting Minutes to the Town Clerk-Treasurer shall apply, including the time period for transmittal and responsible person or persons accountable for same. The Town Clerk-Treasurer is directed to thereafter copy the members of the Town Council on the draft or approved public meeting minutes of the town board or commission, as the case may be, upon receipt of same.
(Ord. 1118, passed 1-4-11)