   (A)   All parks shall be provided with safe, convenient all-season pedestrian access of adequate width for intended use. The access shall be durable and convenient to maintain.
   (B)   A common concrete or paved walk system shall be provided and maintained between locations where pedestrian traffic is concentrated.
Such common walks shall have a minimum width of four feet. If constructed in conjunction with a curb, the common walk will be six feet.
   (C)   All mobile homes shall be connected by concrete or paved individual walks, not less than two feet in width, to common walks and parking areas.
('82 Code, § 19-455) Penalty, see § 152.99
   All parks shall be furnished with lighting units so spaced and equipped with luminaries placed at such mounting heights as will provide the following average maintained levels of illumination for the safe movement of pedestrians and vehicles at night:
   (A)   All parts of the park street systems: Maximum 0.6 footcandle, with a minimum of 0.l footcandle.
   (B)   Potentially hazardous locations, such as major street intersections and steps or stepped ramps: Individually illuminated, with a minimum of 0.3 footcandle.
   (C)   All park lights shall be so located and shielded as to prevent direct illumination of any property outside of the park.
('82 Code, § 19-456) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   No mobile home shall be permitted to occupy any mobile home stand if the home is either longer or wider than would permit compliance with the regulations of this chapter.
   (B)   The boundaries of every mobile home site shall be clearly and permanently designated according to the dimensions and locations shown on the approved plot plan.
   (C)   No trailers, recreational vehicles, or boats shall be parked or stored within the open space required between mobile homes.
   (D)   Use of park areas for nonresidential purposes:
      (1)   No part of any mobile home park shall be used for nonresidential purposes, except such areas that are required for the direct servicing and well-being of the park residents and for the management and maintenance of the park; provided however, that retail sales of new or used mobile homes may be made from the park by the owners of the park, or the sole licensee or agent of the owners, but all the mobile homes held for sale shall be displayed on regular mobile home stands of the park and the mobile homes on display shall be limited to 15% of the total stands in the park.
      (2)   Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed as prohibiting the sale of a mobile home located on a mobile home stand by the individual owner or his agent.
   (E)   Construction material storage areas for the park shall be so maintained as to prevent rodent harborage. Lumber, pipe, and other building material shall be stored within a structure or fenced-in storage area.
   (F)   The growth of brush, weeds, and grass shall be controlled by the owner or operator of the park.
   (G)   All mobile homes shall have removable skirting around the entire perimeter of the home.
      (1)   Skirting shall be a durable material such as decorative block, concrete block, fiberglass, metal, or other material approved by the Plan Commission staff. Junk doors, or other scrap material, shall be prohibited.
      (2)   Skirting shall be maintained at all times by the tenant.
   (H)   Storage facilities.
      (1)   Individual or group fireproof storage structures may be provided for the use of mobile home inhabitants, if approved by the Plan Commission or its designated agent, and located on a concrete slab or suitable permanent foundation. Type of structure to be approved by the Building Inspector.
      (2)   Storage shall not be permitted unless within a completely enclosed structure approved by the mobile home park manager and the Plan Commission or its designated agent.
   (I)   Additions or alterations. No mobile home may be extended, enlarged, or otherwise added to unless approval in writing from the park owner or its designated agent is presented to the Plan Commission and a permit has been issued by the Plan Commission or its designated agent. A concrete pad or foundation shall be placed under any structure or addition thereto within the mobile home park.
('82 Code, § 19-460; Am. Ord. 354, passed 12-29-82) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   All mobile home parks existing prior to February 13, 1980, and which were subject to or enlarged under the Title II, General Provision, Section 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the town's zoning ordinance, are declared a nonconforming use of the land and will be regulated as such.
   (B)   Any mobile home park constructed or enlarged with Plan Commission approval after February 13, 1980, and which does not comply with this chapter is declared a nonconforming use.
('82 Code, § 19-600)
   (A)   All mobile home parks classified as nonconforming shall be subject to the provisions of Title II, General Provision, Section 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the town's zoning ordinance.
   (B)   Prior to expansion of a nonconforming mobile home park, beyond the limits allowed for a nonconforming use, all applicable permits, procedures, and restrictions must be complied with. Furthermore, the application process outlined in §§ 152.03 through 152.06, must be followed and the final plan must be approved in accordance with those provisions.
('82 Code, § 19-601)
   (A)   Any lot, plot, or tract of land containing two or more mobile homes within the incorporated area of the town, and which does not hold a valid state license for a mobile home park, is declared an illegal use of the land and is a violation of this chapter.
   (B)   Any mobile home park constructed after February 13, 1980, which was not approved in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, or which violated any of the provisions of the final plan approved by the Town Board, shall be considered an illegal use.
('82 Code, § 19-602) Penalty, see § 152.99
   (A)   All mobile home parks which are declared illegal shall, within 90 days of notification, request a preapplication conference with the Plan Commission.
   (B)   All mobile home parks declared illegal shall, within 90 days of the preapplication conference, file a complete application to the Plan Commission for a preliminary plan and special exception in accordance with §§ 152.03 through 152.06 of this chapter, and in accordance with the zoning ordinance.
   (C)   Within 90 days of the date the Town Board approves the special exception, the petitioner shall submit a complete application for final plan approval.
   (D)   Within 60 days of the Town Board approval of the final plan, the petitioner shall apply for the improvement location permit.
   (E)   Final plan approval must be obtained within one year of notification unless granted an extension by the Plan Commission. The extensions shall only be granted when approvals have been delayed due to administrative procedures of the Plan Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, or Town Board.
('82 Code, § 19-603)