All persons shall have the right to appeal any order of the Building Inspector, first through the Board of Zoning Appeals, and then to the State Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission in accordance with the provisions of IC 22-13-2-7 and IC 4-21.5-3-7.
(Ord. 462, passed 10-4-88)
The Building Inspector shall in the name of the town bring actions in the county courts for mandatory and injunctive relief in the enforcement of and to secure compliance with any order or orders made by the Building Inspector, and any such action for mandatory or injunctive relief may be joined with an action to recover the penalties provided for in this chapter.
(Ord. 462, passed 10-4-88)
(A) Adoption of Unsafe Building Law. The town hereby adopts IC 36-7-9, which establishes the Indiana Unsafe Building Law, and explicitly incorporates by reference the definition of SUBSTANTIAL PROPERTY INTEREST found in IC 36-7-9-2.
(B) Appointment of department to administer.
(1) The Building and Zoning Department shall be the executive department authorized to administer this section and its provisions as the same presently exist, or as may be amended hereafter from time to time.
(2) The Hearing Authority shall consist of one citizen member, one elected Town Council member, and one Plan Commission member, who may be either a Town Council member or citizen member, as determined by the Town Council. The term of office for each member of the Hearing Authority shall be annual, from date of appointment to December 31 of said year of appointment. Members may be reappointed each year at the determination of the Town Council.
(C) Construction. Any reference to a state statute shall mean the statute as amended from time to time, or any similar statutory provision that may supersede it relating to the same or similar subject matter.
(D) Penalty or violation. Violations of this section shall be addressed as established in IC 36-7-9 as it may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 1000, passed 5-1-07; Am. Ord. 1255, passed 3-7-17)
(A) Prior to the demolition of any building or structure in the town, a permit shall be required to be issued by the duly designated town official. For purposes of definition, the following shall apply:
(1) Building. A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls designed or intended for shelter, support or enclosure
of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind, and is permanently affixed to the land. When any portion thereof is completely separated from every other portion thereof by a division wall without openings, then each such portion shall be deemed to be a separate building.
(2) Structure. Anything constructed or erected which requires a footing or foundation to be set below grade and/or which extends at least six inches above grade. Individual posts or poles (except for those used for signs or advertising devices) shall not constitute a structure; however, if two or more such posts or poles are connected, they shall be considered a structure (i.e., a fence). Also, anything constructed or erected with a fixed location on the ground, or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground.
(B) The following non-refundable fee is required to be paid by any and all applicants for demolition permits in the town, namely: $20. The payment of this non-refundable fee shall be a condition of issuance of a demolition permit, and no such demolition permit shall be issued without payment.
(C) Any demolition permits issued by the duly designated town official shall be for a period of time deemed appropriate by the town official, but in no event shall a demolition permit be issued for a period of time exceeding one year.
(Ord. 511, passed 6-13-90)
Recycling plan requirements, see § 97.13