(A) There is hereby created and established, pursuant to the provisions of IC 36-10-3-3 (a) and (b), as each are and have been amended, a Department of Parks and Recreation for the Town of Cedar Lake, Lake County, Indiana. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall be controlled by a "Board", to be known hereinafter as the Town of Cedar Lake Park and Recreation Board.
(B) The Town of Cedar Lake, Lake County, Indiana (hereinafter, the "Town"), is a unit of local government, and is identified in the "General Park and Recreation Law", which is cited at IC 36-10-3, et seq., as amended from time to time, and which is more specifically identified in State Law as IC 36-10-3-1 through 36-10-3-45, inclusive. All provisions of the aforesaid "General Park and Recreation Law" set forth referencing powers, duties, responsibilities, and related terms and provisions for a municipality or town related to an established Department of Parks and Recreation, shall be applicable to the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Parks and Recreation. This will specifically mean that the provisions of IC 36-10-3, et seq., are applicable to the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Parks and Recreation, its established Town Park and Recreation Board, and governance of actions and functions within the Cedar Lake Park and Recreation District, and all such provisions are approved herein for the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Parks and Recreation, and are adopted for the Town of Cedar Lake Department of Parks and Recreation. A copy of said Indiana "General Park and Recreation Law, and notably, the provisions of IC 36-10-3-1 through 36-10-3-45, inclusive, and as amended hereafter from time to time, are attached to Ordinance 1411 and incorporated herein by reference. In the event of amendments, including additional legislation or revision of any provisions of the Indiana General Park and Recreation Law referenced herein, such additional legislation, amendments or revisions shall be incorporated and included in this Cedar Lake Establishment Ordinance, when or if made hereafter.
(Ord. 1411, passed 2-1-22)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
“ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR.” A liquid that is, or contains, one-half percent (0.5%) or more alcohol by volume; is fit for human consumption; and is reasonably likely, or intended, to be used as a beverage. It is the compound C2H5OH, known as ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide or ethyl, or spirits of wine, from whatever source or by whatever process produced.
“BOARD.” The Park and Recreation Board of Cedar Lake, Indiana.
“CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE.” A drug or substance found in schedules I, II, III, IV, or V under IC 35-48-2, as amended from time to time, which includes opiates, opium derivatives, hallucinogenic substances, depressants, stimulants, narcotic drugs and the like.
“DEPARTMENT.” The Park and Recreation Board or such personnel as the Park Board may designate.
“PARK.” Any land suitable for public recreational facilities, including parks, reservoirs, land, and water under the jurisdiction of the Department.
“PERMITS AND RESERVATIONS.” Any authorization issued by the Board for a specified park privilege, activity or event, or permitting the performance of a specified act or acts in any park.
“RULES AND REGULATIONS.” Any rules and regulations adopted by the Board.
“PERSON.” Individual, company, partnerships, corporation, or association or any combination of individuals, or any employee, agent, or officers thereof.
“RANGER.” Any person authorized by the Board or Town Council and provided with enforcement authority, including the Town Parks Department.
“VEHICLE.” Any device, conveyance or combination of conveyance, wheeled or without wheels (but excepting motor boats), propelled, towed, or unpropelled, that in, around or with which a person or thing is, or may be, carried and shall include without limitations bicycles, scooters, mopeds, mini-bikes, motorcycles, and snowmobiles.
“WATERCRAFT.” All flotation devices intended to carry a human passenger upon the water including, but not limited to, boats of any type, rafts, canoes, motor boats, and inflatable floating devices.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-28-97; Am. Ord. 900, passed 7-6-04)
(A) Unless authorized by the Board, no person shall bring into or upon any park, any tree, shrubs, or plants, or any newly plucked branch or portion thereof.
(B) Unless authorized by the Board, no person shall bring into and leave in any park, any animal, fish, or fowl.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-28-97; Am. Ord. 900, passed 7-6-04) Penalty, see § 99.99
(A) Starting fires. No person shall start a fire in the park except small fires for culinary purposes in park grills, or privately owned grills, or fires in a place or designated area approved by the Board. The Board, at its discretion, may prohibit fires for limited periods at any location or for any purposes when necessary for protection of park property. Any fires shall be continuously attended under the care and direction of a competent person. All fires shall be extinguished by the person or persons starting or using the same before leaving the immediate vicinity of the fire. No fires shall be built within ten feet of any trees or buildings or beneath the branches of any trees or buildings or beneath the branches of any trees or in any underbrush.
(B) No person shall be allowed to use timber, wood, twigs, branches, leaves, or other forest material as fuel for fires within the parks, except by special permit from the Board.
(C) Portable stoves or grills. No portable stoves or grills shall be permitted in shelters or on picnic tables.
(D) Lighted matches, cigars, etc. No person shall throw away or discard any lighted matches, cigars, or cigarettes within any park property, except into designated receptacles for that purpose.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-28-97; Am. Ord. 900, passed 7-6-04) Penalty, see § 99.99
(A) Except in areas set aside for camping, no person shall sleep in any park after dusk.
(B) No person shall camp within the park(s) except pursuant to written permission from the Park Board or pursuant to written or oral permission given by law enforcement personnel in cases of emergency.
(Ord. 703, passed 10-28-97) Penalty, see § 99.99