No owner or keeper of any dog shall permit such dog to run at large or stray beyond his premises, unless under the reasonable control of some person or when engaged in lawful hunting accompanied by its owner or keeper. A violation of this section shall constitute a Class C infraction.
(‘82 Code, § 5-600) Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) If a dog is believed to have rabies or has been bitten by a dog suspected of having rabies, such dog shall be confined by a leash or chain on the owner’s premises and shall be placed under the observation of a veterinarian at the expense of the owner for a period of two weeks. The owner shall notify the poundmaster of the fact that his or her dog has been exposed to rabies and at his or her discretion the poundmaster is empowered to have such dog removed from the owner’s premises to a veterinary hospital and there placed under observation for a period of two weeks at the expense of the owner. No person who knows or suspects that a dog has rabies shall allow such dog to be taken off his or her premises or beyond the limits of the town without the written permission of the poundmaster. Every owner, or other person, upon ascertaining a dog is rabid, shall immediately notify the poundmaster or a policeman who shall either remove the dog to the pound or summarily destroy it. A violation of this section shall constitute a Class B infraction.
(‘82 Code, § 5-701)
(B) It shall be unlawful for the owner of any dog to harbor, or keep any dog over the age of six months unless it shall have been vaccinated by a licensed veterinary surgeon with anti-rabies vaccine. A violation of this section shall constitute a Class B infraction. (‘82 Code, § 5-702)
Penalty, see § 90.99
Statutory reference:
Municipal power to control rabies, see IC 15-17-6-14
Rabies control in general, see IC 15-17-6
No person shall keep or harbor any dog within the municipality which, by frequent and habitual barking, howling, or yelping, creates unreasonably loud and disturbing noises of such a character, intensity, and duration as to disturb the peace, quiet, and good order of one or more of the inhabitants of two or more separate residences. Any person who shall allow any dog habitually to remain, be lodged, or fed within any dwelling, yard, or enclosure which he or she occupies or owns shall be considered as harboring the dog.
Penalty, see § 90.99
(A) It shall be the duty of every police officer, or other person designated by the town for such purpose, to apprehend any dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of this chapter and to impound any such dog in the town pound or other suitable place.
(B) The poundmaster, or some other official or person designated by the town, who shall perform the duties of the poundmaster as provided in this chapter, upon receiving any dog, shall make a complete registry, entering the breed, color, and sex of such dog and whether licensed. If licensed, he or she shall enter the name and address of the owner and the number of the license tag. Licensed dogs shall be separated from unlicensed dogs.
(‘82 Code, § 5-601)
Statutory reference:
Animal shelters, see IC 36-8-2-6
Not later than 24 hours after the impounding of any dog or animal, the owner shall be notified, or if the owner of the animal is unknown, the poundmaster shall hold the animal for a minimum of three days, if the animal is unclaimed within the three-day period, the poundmaster shall dispose of the dog as provided hereafter. The owner of any dog so impounded may reclaim such dog upon payment of the license fee, if unpaid, and of all costs and charges incurred by the town for impounding and maintenance of the dog. The following charges shall be paid to the Town Clerk-Treasurer: For impounding any animal, $20 each day for any dog or animal; for keeping any animal, $5 per day for each animal, with a minimum lodging fee of one day.
(‘82 Code, § 5-602; Am. Ord. 411, passed 7-24-85; Am. Ord. 725, passed 8-11-98)
It shall be the duty of the poundmaster to keep all dogs so impounded for a period of three days. If at the expiration of three days from the date of notice to the owner, or if the owner is unknown, at the expiration of three days from the date such dog is first impounded, if such dog shall not have been redeemed, it may be destroyed. Any unlicensed dog required by law to be licensed, or any dog which appears to be suffering from rabies or affected with hydrophobia, mange, or other infectious or dangerous disease shall not be released but may be forthwith destroyed.
(‘82 Code, § 5-603)
No dog of fierce, dangerous, or vicious propensities and no female dog in heat, whether licensed or not, shall be allowed to run at large or upon the premises of one other than the owner. If any such dog is found running at large in violation of this provision, it shall be taken up and impounded and shall not be released except upon approval of the Chief of Police after payment of the fees provided in § 90.21. However, if any dangerous, fierce, or vicious dog so found at large cannot be safely taken up and impounded, such dog may be slain by any policemen.
(‘82 Code, § 5-604)