   No vehicle shall be driven over any unprotected hose of the Fire Department when laid down on any street or private driveway to be used at any fire or alarm of fire, without the consent of the Fire Department official in command.
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   A person may not drive a vehicle when any of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   The vehicle is loaded in a manner or has more than three persons in the front seat so as to obstruct the view of the person who drives the vehicle to the front or sides of the vehicle.
      (2)   The vehicle is loaded in a manner or has more than three persons in the front seat so as to interfere with the person’s control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.
   (B)   A passenger in a vehicle shall not ride in a position that interferes with the view ahead or to the sides of the person who drives the vehicle, or interfere with the person’s control over the driving mechanism of the vehicle.
(IC 9-21-8-43) (Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
   A person upon a bicycle, coaster, roller skates, or toy vehicle shall not attach the bicycle, coaster, roller skates, or toy vehicle to a vehicle upon a roadway.
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   Upon the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle, when the person who drives the authorized emergency vehicle is giving audible signal by siren or displaying alternately flashing red, red and white, or red and blue lights, a person who drives another vehicle shall do the following unless otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer:
      (1)   Yield the right-of-way.
      (2)   Immediately drive to a position parallel to and as close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of the highway clear of any intersection.
      (3)   Stop and remain in the position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed.
   (B)   Upon approaching a stationary authorized emergency vehicle, when the authorized emergency vehicle is giving a signal by displaying alternatively flashing red, red and white, or red and blue lights, a person who drives an approaching vehicle shall:
      (1)   Proceeding with due caution, yield the right-of-way by making a lane change into a lane not adjacent to that of the authorized emergency vehicle, if possible with due regard to safety and traffic conditions, if on a highway having at least four lanes with not less than two lanes proceeding in the same direction as the approaching vehicle; or
      (2)   Proceeding with due caution, reduce the speed of the vehicle*, maintaining a safe speed for road conditions, if changing lanes would be impossible or unsafe.
* Editor’s note:
   IC 9-21-8-35 currently reads “reduce the speed of the vehicle to a speed at least ten miles per hour less than the posted speed limit.”
   (C)   This section shall not operate to relieve the person who drives an authorized emergency vehicle from the duty to drive with due regard for the safety of all persons using the highway.
(IC 9-21-8-35) (Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
   The driver of a vehicle within a business or residence district emerging from an alley, driveway, or building, shall stop the vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or onto the sidewalk area extending across any alleyway or driveway, sound his horn and yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian as may be necessary to avoid collision, and upon entering the roadway shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on the roadway.
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
   The driver of a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection shall do so as follows:
   (A)   Right turns. Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right hand curb or edge of the roadway.
   (B)   Left turns. A person who drives a vehicle intending to turn at an intersection must:
      (1)   Make an approach for a left turn in that part of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line of the roadway. After entering the intersection, the person who drives a vehicle must make the left turn so as to leave the intersection to the right of the center line of the roadway being entered.
      (2)   Make an approach for a left turn from a two-way street into a one-way street in that part of the right half of the roadway nearest the center line of the roadway and pass to the right of the center line where the center line enters the intersection.
      (3)   Make a left turn from a one-way street into a two-way street by passing to the right of the center line of the street being entered upon leaving the intersection.
      (4)   Where both streets or roadways are one way, make both the approach for a left turn and a left turn as close as practicable to the left-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
(IC 9-21-8-21) (Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
   (A)   When stop signs are erected as herein authorized at or near the entrance to any intersection, every driver of a vehicle approaching a stop sign shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or in the event there is no crosswalk, shall stop at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection, except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic-control signal.
   (B)   After the driver of a vehicle has stopped at the entrance to a through highway, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersection from the through highway, or which are approaching so closely on the through highway as to constitute an immediate hazard, but the driver having so yielded may proceed and the driver of all other vehicles approaching the intersection on the through highway shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle so proceeding into or across the through highway.
   (C)   After the driver of a vehicle has stopped in obedience to a stop sign at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto, although not a part of a through highway, the driver shall proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop which are within the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, and may then proceed.
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81) Penalty, see § 70.99
Statutory reference:
   Entering through highway or intersection; obedience to stop signs, see IC 9-21-8-31 and 9-21-8-32
   (A)   A person who drives a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions or stop if necessary. The person shall yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian legally crossing the roadway and to a vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another highway so closely as to present an immediate hazard. After yielding, the person may proceed, and all other vehicles approaching the intersection shall yield to the vehicle proceeding.
   (B)   If a person who drives a vehicle is involved in a collision with a pedestrian in a crosswalk or a vehicle in the intersection after driving past a yield sign without stopping, the collision is considered prima facie evidence of the person’s failure to yield the right-of-way.
(IC 9-21-8-33)
   (C)   The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign, if required for safety to stop, shall stop before entering the crosswalk on the near side of the intersection, or, in the event there is no crosswalk, at a clearly marked stop line, but if none, then at a point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway.
   (D) The following schedule of public ways, roadways, streets and highways of the town upon which vehicular traffic shall proceed in conformance with a traffic-control device indicating Yield Right of Way shall be applicable where specifically designated, namely:
W-146 Pl. East and West Bound at Bryan St.;
W-146 Pl. East Bound at Blain St.;
Ivy Street South into 136th Lane;
Fir at 133rd Court, East;
Hobart at 131st Avenue, North;
Stevenson at 131st Avenue, North;
Wheeler at 131st Avenue, North;
Colfax at 130th Avenue, East;
Colfax at 131st Avenue, East;
Maple at 126th Place, South;
Fernwood at Hobart, South;
Fernwood at Fairbanks, South;
Lee at 146th Place, West;
Drummond at 136th Lane, South;
Forestdale at 132nd Avenue, East, West;
Forestdale at 131st Place, North;
Woodmar at 133rd Court, East, West;
Woodmar at 134th Court, East;
Foster at 128th Avenue, South.
(Ord. 306, passed 4-8-81; Am. Ord. 530, passed 5-22-91; Am. Ord. 559, passed 10-6-92) Penalty, see § 70.99
§ 71.27 TRUCK ROUTE.
   (a)   Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “PROOF OF ROUTE.” Written verification of pick-ups, deliveries, or destinations, which may include a log book, delivery slip, shipping order, bill or any other document which identifies and specifies the date, address and name of the person requesting or directing the pick-up or delivery and the destination of the pick-up or delivery.
   “TRUCK.” Any commercial vehicle with a registered gross vehicle weight 26,000 pounds or more. The term shall not include emergency vehicles, such as fire vehicles, nor shall it include vehicles operated by utility companies providing electricity, gas, water, telephone, and sewerage.
   (B)   Prohibition against travel on restricted truck routes. Except as expressly permitted under this Section, no person shall operate a truck on any road or street designated as a restricted truck route.
   (C)   Truck routes. The following roads and streets in the Town of Cedar Lake, to the exclusion of other roads and streets, are designated as truck routes, and no person shall drive or operate a truck except on the truck routes established below and shown on the map incorporated as Exhibit A to the ordinance codified herein, except as expressly permitted under this section:
      (1)   E. 133rd Avenue from the eastern corporate limits to Morse Street;
      (2)   Morse Street from E. 133rd Avenue to Lake Shore Drive;
      (3)   Lake Shore Drive from Morse Street to W. 133rd Avenue;
      (4)   Cline Avenue from the northern corporate limit to Lake Shore Drive;
      (5)   W. 133rd Avenue from US-41 (Wicker Avenue) to Lake Shore Drive.
   (D)   Exemptions. The truck route restrictions and limitations prescribed in this Section shall not apply to:
      (1)   Road repair, construction or maintenance vehicles while involved in the repair, construction or maintenance of infrastructure within the town; or
      (2)   Trucks engaged in pick-up, delivery, or service call activities set forth in subsection (E) hereinafter leaving or returning to a place of business as set forth in subsection (F) hereinafter.
   (E)   Pick-ups, deliveries, service calls. The operator of a truck that is being used to make pick-ups, deliveries or service calls in the Town on streets designated as restricted truck routes shall restrict its travel to a minimum when being so used. The truck shall be driven in such a manner as to leave a non-restricted truck route and proceed to is destination or destinations in the town by the most direct route. Upon completion of the pick-ups, deliveries or service calls, the truck shall return to the nearest non-restricted truck route or leave the town by the most direct route and the operator shall keep proof of route verification, as defined in subsection (A), hereinabove in the truck.
   (F)   Leaving or returning to a place of business. Nothing herein contained shall prevent a truck from leaving or returning to its customary storage place at a commercial or industrial location in the Town, provided the most direct route to and from a restricted truck route is utilized.
   (G)   Signs. The Public Works Department shall post appropriate signs and markings on the above described public streets clearly indicating the prohibitions and designated truck routes, the placement of which shall be directed by the Director of Operations, or designated Town Administrative staff. All such signs shall conform to the manual and specifications for a uniform system of traffic control device as used by the Indiana Department of Transportation, as the same are amended, hereafter from time to time. Additional signs may be installed at other locations to properly identify local truck routes.
   (H)   Penalty. Any person who operates a truck in violation of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,500 for each such violation.
(Ord. 1297, passed 6-19-18)
   For the purpose of this subchapter the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   “CRUISING.” The repeated operation of two or more vehicles in a continuous or nearly continuous flow through a parking lot.
   “PARADE.” Any parade, march, ceremony, show, exhibition, pageant, or procession of any kind, or any similar display in or on any street, sidewalk, park, or other public place in the municipality, or “CRUISING” as defined herein.
   “PARADE PERMIT.” A permit required by this subchapter.
   “PARKING LOT.” Any paved or unpaved area used by a place of business or shopping center for the parking of vehicles of their customers.