The following definitions shall apply throughout this subchapter, as the same may hereafter be amended from time to time, namely:
“CHIEF.” The Chief of the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department, or his or her designee, unless context clearly indicates otherwise.
“FIRE DEPARTMENT.” Collectively, the Town of Cedar Lake Municipal Fire Department, and its qualified full-time personnel, unless context clearly indicates otherwise.
“INPRS.” The Public Employees Retirement Fund established pursuant to IC 5-10.3-1 et seq., as amended from time to time.
“LOCAL BOARD.” The Fire Pension Board of the Town of Cedar Lake.
“LOCAL STANDARDS” or “STANDARDS.” Standards developed by the Local Board for establishing a passing grade or score on agility, mental, and physical examination required by IC 36-8-3.2 et seq., as amended from time to time, for admission to the 1977 Town Firefighters’ Pension & Disability Fund.
“MEMBER OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT”, “ACTIVE MEMBER”, or “MEMBER.” A qualified full-time, paid employee of the Town of Cedar Municipal Fire Department, including the Chief.
(Ord. 1315, passed 2-19-19)