The Plan Commission shall prepare printed forms and require all applicants applying for designation of real estate as an Economic Revitalization Area to use such forms in making application for the designation. At a minimum, the Plan Commission shall consider the following items in preparing the printed forms: proposed use of real estate; proposed type and cost of buildings and equipment; and employment impact.
(Prior Code, § 110.182) (Ord. 83-1, passed 6-20-1983)
The Plan Commission, after receiving an application requesting Economic Revitalization Area designation, shall conduct the investigations as are appropriate and necessary to determine the best interests of the county; shall hold at least one public hearing; and shall thereafter make written recommendations to the County Council as to the desirability, or non-desirability, of designating the area described in the application as an Economic Revitalization Area. The County Council shall, by resolution, make final approval of all applications, and the application shall be attached to the resolution.
(Prior Code, § 110.183) (Ord. 83-1, passed 6-20-1983)
The County Council shall prepare and adopt a resolution which establishes general standards to be used, along with the requirements set forth in the definition of an Economic Revitalization Area, in the review of applications by the Plan Commission and itself.
(Prior Code, § 110.184) (Ord. 83-1, passed 6-20-1983)
If improvements as proposed in the application for Economic Revitalization Area status are not stated within one year from the date of designation by the County Council, such Economic Revitalization Area designation shall expire; however, the applicant may reapply, and the application fee therefor shall be 50% of the original fee, provided the re-application is made within 90 days from the date of the expiration of the one-year period.
(Prior Code, § 110.186) (Ord. 83-1, passed 6-20-1983)
Where an area has been designated as an Economic Revitalization Area, such status shall expire five years after the date of designation; however, the expiration shall not affect any persons, firms, organizations, or corporations who have applied for and received tax abatement status in accordance with law.
(Prior Code, § 110.187) (Ord. 83-1, passed 6-20-1983)
(A) The following criteria shall be utilized to guide the Plan Commission review of applications for economic revitalization area designation, and subsequent recommendation to the County Council.
(B) All applications shall be reviewed in regard to:
(1) Compliance with statutory criteria;
(2) Furtherance of county development policies;
(3) Effective utilization of by-passed or underutilized land;
(4) Rehabilitation or replacement of obsolete or deteriorated structures;
(5) Preservation of historic or architecturally significant structures;
(6) Neighborhood conservation and stabilization;
(7) Improvement in the physical appearance of the county;
(8) Past performance of petitioner’s business operation, including policies, practices, viability and credibility;
(9) Impact on tax base; and
(10) Creation of employment opportunities.
(B) These criteria shall be considered in the review of all applications for economic revitalization area status from and after the adoption of the resolution codified herein.
(Prior Code, § 110.189) (Council Res. passed 7-22-1983)