For use in this chapter the following terms are defined as follows:
1. “Factory-built structure” means any structure which is, wholly or in substantial part, made, fabricated, formed, or assembled in manufacturing facilities for installation, or assembly and installation, on a building site. “Factory-built structure” includes the terms “mobile home,” "manufactured home", and “modular home.”
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 103A.3(8)
2. “Manufactured home” means a factory-built structure built under authority of 42 U.S.C. Section 5403, that is required by federal law to display a seal from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and was constructed on or after June 15, 1976.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 435.1(3)
3. “Mobile home” means any vehicle without motive power used or so manufactured or constructed as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon the public streets and highways and so designed, constructed, or reconstructed as will permit the vehicle to be used as a place for human habitation by one or more persons; but shall also include any such vehicle with motive power not registered as a motor vehicle in Iowa. Mobile homes were constructed before June 15, 1976.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 435.1(5)
4. “Mobile home park” means a site, lot, field, or tract of land upon which three or more mobile homes or manufactured homes, or a combination of any of these homes, are placed on developed spaces and operated as a for-profit enterprise with water, sewer or septic, and electrical services available.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 435.1(6)
5. “Modular home” means a factory-built structure which is manufactured to be used as a place of human habitation, is constructed to comply with the Iowa State Building Code for modular factory-built structures.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 435.1(7)
All mobile homes shall be placed or parked in a mobile home park unless permitted otherwise by State law. This section shall not apply to mobile homes parked or placed upon private property as part of a dealer's or a manufacturer's stock not used as a place for human habitation.
Nothing herein shall disallow the siting of a proposed residential structure solely because the proposed structure is a manufactured home.
Manufactured homes shall be allowed under the same zoning requirements as site-built housing, and the City may allow siting of manufactured homes which otherwise comply with standards imposed for site-built housing, provided that any manufactured home must comply with installation standards prescribed by the manufacturer pursuant to 42 USC 5404. Nothing herein shall be construed to impose standards upon any manufacturer, distributer or retailer in respect to the design, construction or safety of any manufactured home, and no City Building Code requirements shall be enforced which are different from any federal regulations pursuant to 42 USC 5403 which are applicable to manufactured homes.
1. Foundation. The foundation of any manufactured home shall be a permanent frost free foundation except to the extent the manufacturer’s specifications require otherwise. All manufactured homes must be made visually compatible with surrounding residential structures.
2. Zoning Requirements. All other zoning requirements, including but not limited to those relating to minimum square footage requirements and minimum dimension requirements applicable in R-1 or R-2 zoning, transportation, water, sewer, or other land development requirements shall apply to manufactured homes to the same extent as to site-built homes.
3. Zoning Amendments:
a. Chapter 165, R-1, A, is amended as follows:
“Statement of Intent. The "R-1” Single-Family District is intended to accommodate low density, single-family dwellings which shall be at least 1000 square feet in size, which shall be at least 24 feet in width and which are traditional site-built construction or manufactured construction comporting with 42 U.S.C. § 5403 and having permanent foundation systems which are visually compatible with surrounding residential structures and related recreational, religious, and educational facilities normally required to service the residents within the district. Low density residential areas shall be protected from higher density residential development and from the encroachment of incompatible uses.”
b. Chapter 165, R-2, A is amended as follows:
“Statement of Intent. The "R-2" Mixed Residential District is intended to accommodate moderate density developments which may include a variety of dwelling types ranging from single-family to or-family residences wherein each dwelling unit, or unit within each multi-family structure, is at least 1000 square feet in size, is at least 24 feet in width and which shall be traditional site-built construction or manufactured construction comporting with 42 U.S.C. § 5403 and having permanent foundation systems which are visually compatible with surrounding residential structures.”
(Ord. 11-16, Passed July 25, 2016)
The City Council, upon application of a mobile home owner, may grant a permit for a mobile home to be located for a limited time on premises outside mobile home parks. The City Council shall issue such special permits when it appears that location within local mobile home park is impracticable or impossible and public health, safety, and welfare interests will not be seriously affected by granting the permit. Application for the permit shall include:
1. A statement concerning the practicability of location within a local mobile home park.
2. A description of sanitation facilities contained within the mobile home and those facilities available at the proposed location.
3. A statement of the desired duration of the special permit.
Emergency or temporary parking of mobile homes upon the streets, alleys, or highways, or any other public or private place for a period not in excess of seven days shall not constitute a violation of 6-1-2, but such parking shall be subject to any prohibitions or regulations contained in other Ordinances of this City.
The owner of a mobile home park may elect to have City traffic provisions of the City Code apply to real property in the mobile home park and any person located on the real property. The owner of a mobile home park may waive this right by filing a waiver with the County Recorder.
All mobile homes, modular homes and factory built homes as defined in the Iowa Code located outside a mobile home park shall comply with all Ordinances relating to residences or homes in the community and shall be affixed to a permanent perimeter foundation unless it is incompatible with the structural design of the home. Any home located outside a mobile home park on the date this ordinance takes effect shall be exempt from the permanent foundation requirement.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 435.26)
A mobile home dealer or an employee of a mobile home dealer may perform water, gas, electrical, and other utility service connections in a mobile home space, or within ten feet of such space, located in a mobile home park, and the dealer or an employee of the dealer may install a tie-down system on a mobile home located in a mobile home park. The connections are subject to inspection and approval by city officials and the mobile home dealer shall pay an inspection fee of $_______. No additional permits shall be required.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 322B.3)
*Editor's note. The section in parenthesis should be included at the time the section is first adopted and not during a recodification. In other words, do not add this language to Ordinances already in effect unless you know the exact date the chapter went into effect..