Permitted accessory uses in the commercial office zone are as follows:
A. Accessory residential uses, single-family, when occupied by the owner or lessee, or a watchman employed on the premises, and when such occupancy is directly associated to a developed and occupied permitted use, and is located within, or attached to, the principal building(s) of the permitted use.
(No freestanding building, manufactured or mobile home, or recreational vehicle shall be permitted for such use.)
B. Restaurant, cafes, snack shops, coffee shops, and similar eating/refreshment establishments; provided, that it is located within, or attached to, the principal building(s) of the permitted use;
C. Day care centers, subject to the provisions of Section 17.24.030(D) (B-1 zoning district — day care center), and provided that it is located within, or attached to, the principal building(s) of the permitted use;
D. Business signs, consistent with the city sign code, and as provided below;
E. Trash receptacles, consistent with Section 17.58.050 of this title, and constructed, designed and colored to complement the associated development.
(Ord. 1397.17.18 § 1, 1997; Ord. 1397.17.15 § II (part), 1997)