17.24.030 Conditionally permitted uses.
   Conditionally permitted uses in the B-1 Zone are as follows:
   A.   Churches;
   B.   Convenience store with more than four gas pumps:
   1.   Pump stands shall be set back not less than twenty-five feet from any street right-of-way, not less than forty feet from any non-street property line, and not less than one hundred feet from any residential district boundary;
   2.   Interior curbs of not less than six inches in height shall be constructed to separate driving surfaces from sidewalks, landscaped areas and street rights-of-way; and
   3.   Site improvements such as buildings or structures (permanent or temporary) shall be separated from any residential zone by at least fifty feet. Parking areas shall be separated from any residential zone by at least fifteen feet.
   C.   Schools;
   D.   Day care center.
   1.   Day care centers involved in the care of minor children shall provide the following:
   a.   A minimum of seventy-five square feet of outdoor play space per child shall be provided, from which at least fifty square feet of fenced-in play space per child shall be provided. Fenced-in outdoor play space shall not include driveways, parking areas or land unsuited, by virtue of other usage or natural features, for children's play space;
   b.   At least two hundred and fifty square feet of lot area per child shall be provided;
   E.   Model homes, temporary;
   F.   Video arcades;
   G.   Mortuary;
   H.   Museum;
   I.   Photographic studio;
   J.   Shoe repair and shoe shine shop;
   K.   Tavern, bar or lounge;
   L.   Video sales and rental;
   M.   Charity Dining Facilities, Homeless Shelters and Similar Services.
   1.   New facilities and services should be located in a manner that is compatible with area uses.
   2.   Facilities and services shall be designed in such a way and operated in such a manner which treats all participants with dignity and respect through the provision of a sanitary, healthy and safe environment including rest rooms, drinking water and seating areas.
   3.   Service providers shall provide a written plan to the city including operational policies and procedures. This plan shall include, as applicable, whether facility is a permanent or temporary location, hours/days of operation, sanitation/health considerations, loitering control, safty provisions and other pertinent information. An operational guideline is available for assistance in preparation of this plan.
   4.   Shelters offering overnight sleeping facilities shall provide at least thirty square feet of usable open space per each bed. This open space must be enclosed by appropriate screening.
   5.   Facilities shall contain rest rooms meeting requirements set forth in Appendix C of the Uniform Building Code.
   6.   Facilities shall provide rest rooms within the facilities with at least one rest room for men and one for women.
   7.   Service providers providing food shall serve such meals within buildings or enclosed areas. When meals are served outside, screening shall be provided that separates the eating area from public view, i.e., wall, fencing, landscaping consistent with existing neighborhood standards.
   8.   Service providers which frequently have people waiting outside for services shall provide an adequate waiting area which shall be screened from public view, i.e. wall, fencing, landscaping consistent with existing neighborhood standards.
   9.   All service providers shall require participants and others to wait or sleep in designated and approved areas;
   N.   Bed and breakfast establishments that are located within a historical district or historical landmark as designated pursuant to Section 17.62.050 of this code.
(Ord. 1397.17.36 §§ 7 (part), 9 (part), 12 (part), 2009; Ord. 1397.17.11 § 2, 1994; Ord. 1178.32 § 2 (part), 1990; Ord. 1178 § 5.7.3, 1987)