16.12.270 Final plat requirements—Alternate approval procedure.
   As an alternate procedure and at the request of the subdivider, the city council may approve a final plat and instruct the planning director to withhold the approved final plat from recording for a period of time to allow the subdivider to install all of the required public improvements according to the plans and specifications approved by the city engineer. This procedure, when approved by the council, shall be in lieu of the guarantees for installation of improvements as set forth in Section 16.12.210 of these regulations. An executed standard contract as approved by the city attorney regarding installation of improvements shall be submitted with the final plat. The contract shall require that all improvements be completed no later than twelve months from the date the final plat was approved by the city council and that no lot may be sold. When the completed improvements are inspected and approved by the city engineer, the plat shall be recorded by the planning director, and the sale of lots may then proceed according to the approved and recorded plat, provided that a one year warranty shall be submitted covering the completed improvements.
(Ord. 1179 § 3.3(C)(5), 1987)