17.56.260 Off-site parking requirements.
   A.   Off-site parking permitted. Off-site parking to meet the required spaces outlined in this chapter is permitted under the following conditions:
   1.   Any off-site parking which is used to meet the requirements of this section, other than off-site parking facilities in the Downtown General Plan land use category or uses qualifying for Joint Use Parking in accordance with 17.56.270, shall require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit and shall be subjected to all conditions listed in this section.
   2.   Reasonable pedestrian and vehicular access is required to be provided from off-site parking facilities to the principal use being served.
   3.   Off-site parking facilities shall not be located more than 500 feet from the site of the principal use being served.
   B.   Off-site parking agreements required. The site used for meeting the off-street parking requirements of this chapter shall be under:
   1.   The same ownership as the principal use being served, or
   2.   Public ownership, or
   3.   An appropriate legally binding agreement or easement that ensures parking is available for the duration of the use.
(Ord. 1397.17.59, 2022)