The duties of the commission shall include:
A. Promulgation of bylaws, rules and regulations necessary for the conduct of its business. The bylaws shall be subject to the approval of the city council, and shall not be inconsistent with the charter and ordinances of the city, and the constitution and laws of the state of Arizona.
B. Review of criteria for the identification of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks, and for the delineation of historic districts.
C. Review existing surveys of significant historic, architectural and cultural landmarks and historic districts within the city, and periodically update the survey.
D. Provide recommendations to the city council concerning the designation of identified structures or resources as landmarks and historic districts.
E. Provide recommendations to the city council concerning the acquisition of facade easements, development rights or other interests in real property as necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter.
F. Increasing public awareness of the value of historic, cultural and architectural preservation by developing and participating in public education programs.
G. Provide recommendations to the city council concerning the utilization of state, federal or private funds to promote the preservation of landmarks and historic districts within the city.
H. Recommending acquisition of any landmark structure by the city, where its preservation is essential to the purposes of this chapter, and where private preservation is not feasible.
I. Approval or disapproval of applications for certificates of appropriateness pursuant to Chapter 17.62.
J. Implement the criteria as adopted by city council, and make recommendations, as needed, to city council on any proposed revisions to said criteria, that will be considered when reviewing proposals on the naming/renaming of city facilities.
K. Implement a process and procedural rules as adopted by city council, and make recommendations, as needed, to city council on any proposed revisions to said process or procedural rules, for the performance of the duties relating to the naming/re-naming of city facilities.
L. Make recommendations to city council concerning all proposals for the naming or renaming of city facilities pursuant to the process outlined in Section 17.62.145.
(Ord. 1397.17.57 § 3, 2022; Ord. 1397.17.47 § 2 (part), 2017)