17.68.330 Amendments to approval.
   A.   Minor Changes. Minor changes in the location and placement of buildings may be authorized by the planning director and city engineer where unforeseen circumstances such as engineering requirements, dictate such change. When in question, the planning director and the city engineer may determine whether the changes shall be classified as a minor or major, or may refer the question to the planning and zoning commission, if they deem it necessary.
   B.   Major Changes. All changes not considered Minor Changes as defined under Section 17.68.330 A, shall be considered Major Changes. All Major Changes shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review and approval in accordance the procedure and requirements defined under Article V of this Code, except that only Major Changes requesting a change of land use, changes to the proposed arterial or collector roadway transportation circulation system, loss of open space, increase in residential density, the addition of cluster type development, or any request pertaining to a Large Single Retail Use or Large Multiple Use Shopping Centers shall be required to be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. All other Major Changes shall be decided upon by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(Ord. 1397.17.29 § 1 (part), 2001; Ord. 1178 § 7.8.7, 1987)