Sec. 1-1. How Code designated and cited.
Sec. 1-2. Definitions.
Sec. 1-3. Catchlines of sections; history notes; references.
Sec. 1-4. Effect of repeal of ordinances.
Sec. 1-5. Territorial applicability of Code.
Sec. 1-6. Altering Code.
Sec. 1-7. Amendments to Code; effect of new ordinances; amendatory language.
Sec. 1-8. Supplementation of Code.
Sec. 1-9. General penalty; continuing violations; enforcement of ordinances.
Sec. 1-10. Severability of parts of Code.
Sec. 1-11. Provisions considered as continuation of existing ordinances.
Sec. 1-12. Code does not affect prior offenses, rights, etc.
Sec. 1-13. Certain ordinances not affected by Code.
Sec. 1-14. Standard specifications and details.
The ordinances embraced in this and the following chapters and sections shall constitute the "Code of Ordinances, Town of Cary, North Carolina," and may be so cited.
(Code 1976, § 1-1; Code 1982, § 1-1)
State law reference(s)--Code of ordinances, G.S. 160A-77.