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Sec. 1-14. Standard specifications and details.
   (a)   The Town of Cary Standard Specifications and Details (“Specifications”) adopted by the Town Council on January 5, 2017, and as may be amended from time to time, is hereby incorporated by reference into the Code of Ordinances. An official copy of the Specifications shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
   (b)   The purpose of the Specifications is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Town citizens by regulating construction of infrastructure such that infrastructure is safe, reliable, and consistent throughout Town.
   (c)   The following types of construction and any associated landscaping are required to comply with the Specifications:
      (1)   Town projects by contractors hired by the Town;
      (2)   infrastructure, including but not limited to streets, greenways, and utilities, to be dedicated to or maintained by the Town or another governmental entity;
      (3)   private streets that are open to the public; and
      (4)   private greenway connections to public greenways.
   (d)   Any request for a modification to the Specifications must be submitted in writing to the applicable Director with supporting information that justifies the modification.
      (1)   The applicable Director, or their assigns, may approve construction drawings which do not conform to the technical standards, technical specifications, or numerical values set forth in the Specifications if the requested modification (i) will not adversely impact public safety or Town infrastructure, and (ii) will maintain the intent and purpose of the Specifications.
      (2)   The person requesting the modification may appeal from the decision of the Director, or their assigns, by filing a written request for appeal with the Town Manager within ten (10) days of the date of the decision, stating with particularity the grounds for the appeal. An appeal hearing shall be scheduled and conducted by the Town Manager or Deputy Town Manager, who shall render a final written decision. Any appeal from the decision of the Manager or Deputy Manager shall be to the Superior Court for Wake or Chatham County, as appropriate, by petition for writ of certiorari filed within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision.
   (e)   Approval of a modification request does not constitute Town assurance that the requested modification is sufficient or appropriate based on best engineering practices or standard of care.
   (f)   The applicable Director, or their assigns, with expertise and holding any required certifications or licenses in the respective subject area, may revise the Specifications from time to time as they deem necessary.
(Ord. No. 2017-Code-01, 1-5-2017; Ord. No. 2019-Code-04, 10-10-2019; Ord. No. 2022-Code-02, 6-23-2022)