In all cases where a public hearing is required, official notice of said hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area at least 10 days but no more than 30 days prior to the date of said hearing. Mailed notice of the hearing shall be provided to all property owners within 1,320 feet of the boundaries of the affected land. Timing of the notice shall be the same as that for the published notice. Defects in the public notices shall not abrogate or annul subsequent proceedings provided a good faith attempt was made to give proper notice.
(Ord. 33, § 2.5, passed 1-21-92)
Subdividers shall prepare, for review and approval by the Department, a sketch plan depicting a subdivision proposal. In addition, the subdivider shall prepare, for review and approval by the Planning Commission, a sketch plan depicting a subdivision proposal if a conditional use permit is required. The sketch plan and accompanying information shall serve as the basis for discussions between the subdivider, the Planning Commission and the staff, and is intended to provide the developer with an advisory review of the subdivision without incurring major costs. This step may not be necessary if another action, typically a zoning action, accomplishes the same purpose as the sketch plan review.
(Ord. 33, § 3.1, passed 1-21-92; Am. Ord. 70-2010, passed 1-25-11)
The following information shall be supplied at a minimum:
(A) A sketch plan showing proposed lot, density, use acreage, and relationship to the surrounding land, location within the county, and generalized natural features;
(B) Any required zoning changes;
(C) Proposed timing and staging of development;
(D) Documents demonstrating the applicant’s interest in the property.
(Ord. 33, § 3.2, passed 1-21-92)
The sketch plan and associated information shall be submitted to the Platting Officer no later than 12 calendar days prior to a regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. The Platting Officer shall review the application and determine if the proposed division is under the jurisdiction of this chapter. If the Officer determines that the division is not under the jurisdiction of this chapter, the Platting Officer shall execute a certification to that fact within 10 days. If it is determined that this chapter applies, the Platting Officer shall place the sketch plan review on the Planning Commission agenda.
(Ord. 33, § 3.3, passed 1-21-92)
If applicable, the Planning Commission shall recommend to the County Board the conformity of the subdivision with the comprehensive plan, the subdivision regulations, potential variances that may be required, and of other applicable official controls. Any comments or recommendations for modifications made and/or approval at this point by the Planning Commission are recommendations only from the Planning Commission, and shall not constitute approval or commitment to approve. If the subdivider determines to proceed with the subdivision as proposed or revised, he or she may proceed with the preparation of the preliminary plat as provided in §§ 151.055 et seq.
(Ord. 33, § 3.4, passed 1-21-92; Am. Ord. 70-2010, passed 1-25-11)