If applicable, the Planning Commission shall recommend to the County Board the conformity of the subdivision with the comprehensive plan, the subdivision regulations, potential variances that may be required, and of other applicable official controls. Any comments or recommendations for modifications made and/or approval at this point by the Planning Commission are recommendations only from the Planning Commission, and shall not constitute approval or commitment to approve. If the subdivider determines to proceed with the subdivision as proposed or revised, he or she may proceed with the preparation of the preliminary plat as provided in §§ 151.055 et seq.
(Ord. 33, § 3.4, passed 1-21-92; Am. Ord. 70-2010, passed 1-25-11)
The Platting Officer shall review the sketch plan and shall determine if environmental review documents must be completed pursuant to Minn. Rules Parts 4410.0200 through 4410.7800, as they may be amended from time to time. If such documents are required, the Platting Officer shall notify the subdivider of the requirement.
(Ord. 33, § 3.5, passed 1-21-92)
After the completion of the sketch plan process if required, the owner or subdivider shall file with the Platting Officer an application for preliminary plat approval which shall consist of the following:
(A) A completed application form and documents demonstrating sufficient ownership or control in the applicant to apply for the subdivision;
(B) Six copies of the preliminary plat, plus any additional copies deemed necessary by the Platting Officer plus one reproducible copy reduced to 8½ inches x 11 inches. The application shall contain at a minimum the information required in § 151.056 and any additional information required by the county;
(C) Application fee. Refer to the Carver County Fee Schedule. This fee will be used for the expenses of the county in connection with approval or disapproval of said plat.
(D) If the subdivider requests that any existing special assessments which have been levied against the premises described in the subdivision be divided and allocated to the respective lots in the subdivision plat, the county shall estimate the clerical cost of preparing the revised assessment roll, filing the same with the County Taxpayers Services Department, and making such division and allocation, and upon approval by the Board of such estimated cost the same shall be paid to the County Finance Department in addition to the fee mentioned above to cover the cost of preparing and filing such revised assessments.
(E) Completed environmental review documents required pursuant to § 151.044.
(Ord. 33, § 4.1, passed 1-21-92; Am. Ord. 70-2010, passed 1-25-11)
(A) The preliminary plat stage is the point in the process that all information pertinent to the proposed development is furnished by the developer for review by county staff, the Planning Commission, the County Board, and the public. The information provides a basis for approval/denial of the application. The information submitted in the application should address both existing conditions and changes that will occur during and after development. The preliminary plat is a plan of how property will be developed. Changes may be required by the Planning Commission or County Board and additional information may be requested during the review process. In certain cases some information required by these standards may not be appropriate or may need to be modified in order to provide an adequate basis for making a decision. The staff, Planning Commission, and County Board may request additional information. Modifications to the informational requirements may be made by the County Board, the Planning Commission and authorized staff.
(B) Preliminary plat information is typically furnished on the plat map, however, some information is more appropriately submitted in other forms. The plat and associated information should be submitted in a form that is legible, organized and understandable. The following information should be submitted as the preliminary plat application:
(1) General information. The application shall consist of a map and accompanying documents. The map and documents shall contain the following general information:
(a) The proposed name of the plat;
(b) Name, address, phone number of the owner, developer, agent, applicant, engineer, surveyor, planner, attorney or other principle involved in the development of the plat;
(c) Proof of ownership or sufficient interest in the property to legally make application;
(d) School district, watershed, or other special purpose of government in which the proposed plat is located;
(e) Existing zoning or any zoning changes needed, reference to any zoning or similar land use actions that have already occurred that are pertinent to the proposed development;
(f) Total acreage of the land to be subdivided;
(g) Boundary line survey and legal description;
(h) North arrow and scale of 1:200 to 1:50 depending upon the size of the plat and the detail of the information to be shown;
(i) Existing covenants, liens, or encumbrances.
(2) Existing features to be shown.
(a) Existing property lines and property lines extending 100 feet from the exterior boundaries of the parcel to be subdivided, the names of the adjacent property owners shall be indicated and their addresses provided.
(b) Existing roads both public and private, showing width of road, types of construction, any associated easements.
(c) Any and all existing easements with purpose of easement and types and location of any facility or installation that is located in the easement.
(d) Location, size, capacity, of all existing drainage storm sewer and agricultural tiles, abandoned wells, sewer, water, and utility facilities including utility poles and utilities stubbed to the property.
(e) Permanent buildings or other substantial land uses.
(f) Topography at 2-foot intervals, to include at least 100 feet beyond the limits of the property.
(g) Existing wooded areas - the location and species of all trees with a trunk diameter of 6 inches or greater shall be shown in areas planned to be disturbed during the development.
(h) Waterways, watercourses, lakes, and wetlands with ordinary high water level and/or 100-year flood elevations shown.
(i) The toe and top of any bluffs present.
(j) In shoreland areas, information shall be submitted regarding near-shore aquatic conditions including depths, types of bottom sediments and aquatic vegetation.
(k) The information submitted shall also include an analysis of the soils in the area to be platted. Areas with soils that will present problems for development shall be shown and any measures taken to alleviate problems shall be outlined. The comprehensive plan and the Carver County Soils Survey are the primary information sources for this information. Representative soil borings are advised, in some cases they may be required.
(3) Proposed features to be shown. The following information is required for the preliminary plat. Additional information that will aid in decision-making should also be submitted:
(a) Proposed lot lines, dimensions, and acreage of all new lots;
(b) Proposed uses and densities including parks, ponding areas, areas of common ownership;
(c) Location, grade, and width of proposed streets, pedestrian ways, sidewalks, bicycle paths, trails, walking paths and provision for extending streets to serve adjacent areas;
(d) General plans for the connection/installation of sewer, water, electricity, telephone, gas, and drainage facilities;
(e) Location of two sites suitable for on-site sewer systems with the method of protecting the unused site for future use outlined;
(f) Grading plans showing how the site will be graded and showing the final contours into the existing contours;
(g) Proposed easements for drainage, slope protection, flood protection, and protection of wetlands and waterbodies including storm-water storage areas, easements for the installation of utilities and street trees;
(h) The minimum setbacks and resulting building lines;
(i) Documents outlining the content of proposed restrictions, covenants, and establishment of homeowners’ associations in sufficient detail to review for content;
(j) Information or easements showing how utilities, drainage, and roads can be extended to serve adjacent property;
(k) Erosion control measures to be taken to prevent erosion and sedimentation both during and after development;
(l) If the entire parcel is not being proposed for subdivision, a sketch indicating how the remaining property could be subdivided;
(m) Other information not specifically required in this section may be supplied by the applicant. Examples of other information that could be supplied include sample site plans and artist’s conceptions of the final development.
(Ord. 33, § 4.2, passed 1-21-92)
(A) The preliminary plat application shall be considered to be officially filed when the Platting Officer has received and examined the application and has certified that the application is complete.
(B) If the determination has not been previously made, the Platting Officer shall then determine if the proposed subdivision is within the scope of these regulations.
(C) If the determination is made that this chapter does not apply, the county shall execute a certification to that fact within ten days and refund any fees that may have been paid.
(D) Within a reasonable time after receiving and certifying the preliminary plat application, the Platting Officer shall:
(1) Set a public hearing on the preliminary plat, such hearing to be held by the Planning Commission within 45 days. Public notice shall be in accordance with § 151.029. The Planning Commission shall report its findings and recommendations to the governing body. The recommendation may be conditional, and may recommend approval or denial of all or part of the preliminary plat. Notice of said hearing shall be published once in the official newspaper at least ten days prior to the hearing.
(2) Refer copies of the preliminary plat to the Planning Commission, and other staff, advisory boards, committees, commissions, consultants, or agencies as appropriate.
(Ord. 33, § 4.3, passed 1-21-92)