§ 152.107 MATERIALS.
   (A)   General standards. The materials used in constructing facilities within rights-of-way shall be those meeting the accepted standards of the appropriate industry, the applicable portions of IDOT’s Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, the requirements of the state’s Commerce Commission or the standards established by other official regulatory agencies for the appropriate industry.
   (B)   Material storage on right-of-way. All pipe, conduit, wire, poles, cross arms or other materials shall be distributed along the right-of-way prior to and during installation in a manner to minimize hazards to the public or an obstacle to right-of-way maintenance or damage to the right-of-way and other property. If material is to be stored on right-of-way, prior approval must be obtained from the city.
   (C)   Hazardous materials. The plans submitted by the utility to the city shall identify any hazardous materials that may be involved in the construction of the new facilities or removal of any existing facilities.
(Prior Code, § 33-10-16)