§ 152.067 AMOUNT.
   The dollar amount of the Security Fund shall be sufficient to provide for the reasonably estimated cost to restore the right-of-way to at least as good a condition as that existing prior to the construction under the permit, as determined by the Director of Public Works, and may also include reasonable, directly related costs that the city estimates are likely to be incurred if the permittee fails to perform such restoration. Where the construction of facilities proposed under the permit will be performed in phases in multiple locations in the city, with each phase consisting of construction of facilities in one location or related group of locations, and where construction in another phase will not be undertaken prior to substantial completion of restoration in the previous phase or phases, the Director of Public Works may, in the exercise of sound discretion, allow the permittee to post a single amount of security which shall be applicable to each phase of the construction under the permit. The amount of the Security Fund for phased construction shall be equal to the greatest amount that would have been required under the provisions of this section for any single phase.
(Prior Code, § 33-10-10)