In addition to the requirements of division (C) below, the permit application shall include the following items as applicable to the specific utility that is the subject of the permit application:
   (A)   In the case of new electric power, communications or natural gas distribution system installation, evidence that any certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued by the ILCC that the applicant is required by law, or has elected, to obtain;
   (B)   In the case of natural gas systems, state the proposed pipe size, design, construction class and operating pressures;
   (C)   In the case of water lines, indicate that all requirements of the state’s Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Public Water Supplies, have been satisfied;
   (D)   In the case of sewer line installation, indicate that the land and water pollution requirements of the state’s Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Water Pollution Control, and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (other local or state entities with jurisdiction) have been satisfied; or
   (E)   In the case of petroleum products pipelines, state the type or types of petroleum products, pipe size, maximum working pressure and the design standard to be followed.
(Prior Code, § 33-10-4)