(A)   In the event that the moving of any building for which a permit shall have been granted hereunder makes it necessary to trim, move, remove or replant any tree, plant or shrub belonging to or under the control of the city, the person to whom such permit has been granted or his or her authorized representative shall notify the Street Superintendent at least 72 hours prior to the time that the moving of such building will necessitate the removal of such obstructions.
   (B)   The person to whom the permit is granted shall not, at the expiration of the time of notice, or at any time, trim, move, remove, replant or otherwise disturb such trees, plants or shrubs; and such work shall be done only by the authorized workers of the city unless otherwise approved and so ordered by the Street Superintendent.
   (C)   The person to whom the permit is granted shall pay to the city, any and all costs or expenses for the trimming, moving, removing or replanting of any trees, plants or shrubs or of any damage thereto.
(Prior Code, § 33-9-20)