General Provisions
   52.001   Definitions
Use of Public Sewers Required
   52.015   Deposit of wastes
   52.016   Sewage in natural outlet
   52.017   Private system, unlawful
   52.018   Connection to system required
Private Sewage Disposal
   52.030   Private sewage system
   52.031   Health Department approval
   52.032   Permit approval
   52.033   Compliance with state requirements
   52.034   Availability of public sewer
   52.035   Operation of private system
   52.036   Additional restrictions
   52.037   Time constraints for public sewer
Building Sewers and Connections
   52.055   Disturbing system unlawful
   52.056   Compliance with regulating authorities
   52.057   Classes of permits
   52.058   Cost borne by owner
   52.059   Separate sewer; exception
   52.060   Old building sewers
   52.061   Construction methods
   52.062   Plumbing Code requirements
   52.063   Elevation
   52.064   Prohibited connections
   52.065   Connections to sewer mains
   52.066   Capacity of sewer
   52.067   Tap-in supervision and testing
   52.068   Inspection
   52.069   Public sewer connection
   52.070   Protection of property
   52.071   Bond required
   52.072   Unlawful discharges
Extension of Collecting Sewers
   52.085   Permit required; authorized personnel
   52.086   Extension permits
   52.087   Materials
   52.088   Inspections of construction
   52.089   Manholes required
Use of Public Wastewater Facilities
   52.100   Discharge of storm water
   52.101   Storm water
   52.102   Regulations of wastes
   52.103   Harmful effects of certain materials
   52.104   Harmful wastes; approval
   52.105   Grease and oil interceptors
   52.106   Flow-equalizing facilities
   52.107   Industrial wastes control manhole
   52.108   Industrial waste testing
   52.109   Measurements and test
   52.110   Special arrangements
   52.125   Damage
   52.126   Inspection and testing
   52.127   Liability of city
   52.128   Private property inspections
   52.999   Penalty