(A)   All gasoline pumps and other service facilities shall be located at least 25 feet from any street right-of-way line, side lot line or rear lot line.
   (B)   Every access way shall be located at least 200 feet from the principal building of any fire station, school, public library, church, park or playground, and at least 30 feet from any intersection of public streets.
   (C)   Every device for dispensing or selling milk, ice, soft drinks, snacks and similar products shall be located within or adjacent to the principal building.
   (D)   All trash receptacles, except minor receptacles adjacent to the gasoline pumps, shall be screened from view.
   (E)   Whenever the use of a service station has been discontinued for 12 consecutive months or for 18 months during any three-year period, the Administrator shall order that all underground storage tanks be removed or filled with material approved by the Fire Chief.
   (F)   A permanent curb of at least four inches in height shall be provided between the public sidewalk and the gasoline pump island, parallel to and extending the complete length of the pump island.
(Prior Code, § 40-7-8)  Penalty, see § 159.999