§ 159.220 ACCESS WAYS.
   (A)   Parking lots shall be designed so that ingress to or egress from a parking space is from an aisle or driveway, not directly from the public right-of-way.(*)
   (B)   No access way to any parking area shall be located within 30 feet of any corner formed by the intersection of the rights-of-way of two or more streets. At intersections where traffic-control devices are installed, the Administrator may increase this requirement as necessary to prevent traffic hazards.(*)
   (C)   Parking lot access ways (as well as residential driveways) and public streets shall be aligned to form, as closely as feasible, right angles.(*)
   (D)   The access way to every parking lot located in any business district or in the Industrial District shall be at least 24 feet wide unless two one-way drives, each 12 feet wide, are provided.(**)
   (E)   The access way to every parking lot located in any residential district or in the Agriculture District shall be at least ten feet wide; but if the parking area is longer than 100 feet, access shall be provided either by one two-way drive at least 20 feet wide or by two one-way drives, each at least ten feet wide.(*)
(Prior Code, § 40-5-3.3)