(a)   Purpose. To define the proper use of electronic mail (e-mail) and Internet services at the Village of Carrollton.
   (b)   Policy. The Village of Carrollton is committed to providing an environment that encourages the use of computers and electronic information as essential tools to support the Village of Carrollton’s business and improving our service to the public. It is the responsibility of each employee to ensure that this technology is used for proper business purposes, in a manner that does not compromise the confidentiality of proprietary or other sensitive information, and to use the e-mail and access to the Internet in a productive manner.
   (c)   Coverage. All users of the Village of Carrollton’s computer systems.
   (d)   Passwords. Computer passwords if selected by the employee/authorized user must be provided to the department supervisor if a password has not been assigned by the department supervisor.
   (e)   E-mail Procedures. 
      (1)   All e-mail correspondence is the property of the Village of Carrollton and is primarily for business-related purposes only. E-mail communications are considered public records subject to disclosure to the public pursuant to the Ohio Public Record’s Act.
      (2)   Employee e-mail communications are not considered private or confidential despite any such designation either by the sender or the recipient.
      (3)   Messages sent to recipients outside the Village of Carrollton, if sent over the Internet and not encrypted, are not secure. Encryption requires prior company approval.
      (4)   The Village of Carrollton reserves the right to inspect the e-mail system, including an employee’s mailbox at its discretion in the ordinary course of business in order to assure compliance with this policy. Please note that in certain situations, the Village of Carrollton may access and disclose messages sent over its e-mail system.
      (5)   The existence of passwords and “message delete” functions do not restrict or eliminate the Village of Carrollton’s ability or right to access electronic communications. The delete function does not eliminate the message from the system.
      (6)   Employees shall not share an e-mail password, provide e-mail access to an unauthorized user or access another user’s e-mail box without authorization of the Mayor and/or appointing authority.
      (7)   Employees shall not post, display or make easily available any access.
      (8)   Offensive, demeaning or disruptive messages are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, messages that are inconsistent with Employer’s policies concerning “Equal Employment Opportunity” and “Sexual Harassment and Other Unlawful Harassment”.
      (9)   This policy supersedes all prior company policies.
   Any employee who violates this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.
   (f)   Internet Procedures.
      (1)   The Village of Carrollton’s network including its connection to the Internet, is to be used primarily for business-related purpose. Any unauthorized use of the Internet is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized use includes, but is not limited to: connecting, posting or downloading pornographic material; engaging in computer “hacking” and other related activities; attempting to disable or compromise the security of information contained on the Village of Carrollton’s computers.
      (2)   The Village of Carrollton reserves the right to inspect any and all files stored on computers or other electronic devices which are the property of the Village of Carrollton in order to assure compliance with this policy. Employees have no personal privacy right in any matter created, received, stored in or sent from any Village computer system which are the property of the Village of Carrollton.
      (3)   Because postings placed on the Internet may display the Village of Carrollton’s address, make certain before posting information on the Internet that the information reflects the standards and policies of the Village of Carrollton. Under no circumstances shall information of a confidential, sensitive or otherwise proprietary nature be placed on the Internet.
      (4)   Subscriptions to news groups and mailing lists are permitted when the subscription is for a work-related purpose. Any other subscriptions are prohibited.
      (5)   Information posted or viewed on the Internet may constitute published material. Therefore, reproduction of information posted or otherwise available over the Internet may be done only by express permission from the author or copyright holder.
      (6)   Unless the prior approval of management has been obtained, users may not establish Internet or other external network connections that could allow unauthorized persons to gain access to the Village of Carrollton’s systems and information. These connections include the establishment of hosts with public modem dial-ins, World Wide Web home pages and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
      (7)   All files downloaded from the Internet must be checked for possible computer viruses and have approval from the employee’s direct supervisor. Virus-checking software must be current prior to downloading anything from the internet.
      (8)   Offensive, demeaning or disruptive messages are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to messages that are inconsistent with the Village of Carrollton’s policies concerning “Equal Employment Opportunity” and “Sexual Harassment and Other Unlawful Harassment.”
      (9)   No employee may use the Internet for operating a business for personal gain, sending chain letters, soliciting money for religious or political causes, or any other purpose that interferes with normal Village business activities.
      (10)   Each employee using Village electronic communications facilities shall identify himself or herself honestly, accurately and completely at all times.
      (11)   No employee shall grant anyone who is not an employee of the Village access to Village electronic communications facilities.
      (12)   The provisions of this section shall not apply to the Village Solicitor or members of the Police Department when engaged in legitimate law enforcement activities which, due to their nature, may require Internet and e-mail communications which would otherwise violation the provisions of this policy.
   Any employee who violates this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.
   (g)   Acknowledgment. As an employee of the Village of Carrollton, I understand that the confidentiality and protection of the Village of Carrollton’s information is of the utmost importance. I have read and understand the Village of Carrollton’s Policy on acceptable use of e-mail and Internet access.
   If I receive or select a password of my choice authorized by the department supervisor for access to e-mail, the Internet or any other system of electronically stored computer information, I will use it only for authorized purposes. I agree not to use a code, access a file or retrieve any stored communications other than where explicitly authorized unless there has been prior clearance by an authorized representative of the Village of Carrollton. I will notify my supervisor immediately if I believe that another person may have unauthorized access to my password.
   I understand that all information stored in, transmitted or received through the Village of Carrollton’s systems of printed or computer information is the property of the Village of Carrollton and is to be used only for job-related purposes. I further understand that authorized representatives of the Village of Carrollton will monitor the use of the Village of Carrollton’s systems of printed or computer information from time to time to ensure that such use is consistent with the Village of Carrollton’s policies and interests. Further, I am aware that use of a Village of Carrollton provided password or code does not in any way restrict the Village of Carrollton’s right or ability to access electronic communications.
   I am aware that any violation of the Village of Carrollton’s e-mail or Internet Access Policy may subject me to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from employment.
Name               Mayor
Signature of Employee      Supervisor/Superintendent
(Ord. 2005-08. Passed 7-11-05.)