EDITOR’S NOTE: Ordinance 2014-06, passed February 24, 2014 adopted a personnel policy and procedure manual. See the Clerk-Treasurer for the latest employment provisions.
147.01 Expense reimbursement.
147.02 Workplace health and safety policy.
147.03 Telephone, cellular phone and pager service and usage policy.
147.04 Internet access and e-mail acceptable use policy.
147.05 Credit card policy.
147.06 Drug free workplace.
Welfare - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 34
Workers’ compensation - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 35; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4123
Wages and hours on public works - see Ohio Const., Art. II, Sec. 37; Ohio R.C. Ch. 4115
Public Employees Retirement System - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 145
Expenses for attendance at conference or convention - see Ohio R.C. 733.79
Strikes by public employees - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 4117
Vacation credit - see Ohio R.C. 9.44
Ethics - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 102
All incurred expenses, such as school fees, mileage, lodging, meals, parking fees, etc., shall be reimbursed in the following manner:
(a) School Fees. Will be reimbursed in entirety upon completion when authorized in advance by the Department Head and Council.
(b) Mileage. Will be reimbursed at an amount per mile, as determined by the Internal Revenue Service when authorized in advance by the Department Head and Council. Village owned vehicles shall be used when available rather than privately owned vehicles which necessitates the payment of mileage.
(c) Lodging. Will be reimbursed when authorized in advance by Council. Unless a conference is designated at a specific hotel or motel, lodging shall be reserved at a facility with “moderate” rates. No special fees for room extras such as waterbeds, oversized rooms, suites, etc., shall be deemed eligible for reimbursement.
(d) Parking Fees. Will be reimbursed at level of cost incurred. The employee should use discretion in utilizing the most economic parking facilities that are located a reasonable distance from meeting point.
(e) Other Transportation Fees. Such as airline rates, bus fares, etc., shall be reimbursed when authorized in advance by the Department Head and Council. The employee should use discretion in securing the most economic transportation means possible. (Res. 1991-28. Passed 12-9-91.)
(f) Meals. Will be reimbursed during authorized travel at a per diem rate per individual not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00), including tips. Tips, being recognized as a common expense associated with restaurant dining shall be authorized at a rate not to exceed eighteen percent (18%) of the bill subtotal, excluding sales tax. Alcoholic beverages are not a reimbursable expense and therefore, not permitted as part of the dining bill. The per diem rate is a maximum limit on meal reimbursement and does not need to be met or entitle the employee to be reimbursed for any amount not actually incurred.
(Ord. 2013-20. Passed 7-22-13.)
(g) All reimbursable expenses must be authorized in advance and all receipts must be provided to the Village for the employee to receive reimbursement.
(Ord. 2008-59. Passed 10-13-08.)
(a) Compliance Official. The Village Mayor is responsible for compliance with OSHA, whose duties shall include that of monitoring compliance and that of safety officer.
(b) Mayor’s Duties. The responsibilities of the Mayor as to monitoring compliance include the following:
(1) Remaining current on Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) regulations and company responsibilities;
(2) Making sure all Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) records are properly maintained;
(3) Assisting and evaluating employees for safety committee;
(4) Monitoring activity of the safety committee;
(5) Reporting to the Department Heads regulation changes, needed policy changes, safety problems that need attention, and activities of the safety committee; and
(6) Fulfilling an overall duty to keep the Department Heads current about OSHA matters.
(c) Purpose. The purpose of the safety committee is to prevent employee accidents by:
(1) Making safety inspections to discover unsafe physical conditions or employee practices; and
(2) Reviewing results of inspections and investigations at safety committee meetings for the purpose of making specific recommendations.
(d) Members. Safety committee members are:
(1) Selected by the Mayor, Village Council and Department Heads;
(2) Required to serve as committee members for one calendar year; and
(3) Selected to represent specified areas.
(e) Safety Committee Duties. Safety committee members’ responsibilities include the following:
(1) Becoming familiar with Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) laws and regulations;
(2) Constantly monitoring assigned areas for Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) hazards;
(3) Correcting hazards found, noting them in Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) files and reporting them at the next safety meeting;
(4) Reporting to the Mayor any hazards they cannot handle, making notations in their manuals, and reporting them at the next safety meeting;
(5) Making inspections as required; and
(6) Keeping Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) manuals current.
(f) Safety Committee Meetings.
(1) Will be scheduled by the Mayor;
(2) Will include a representative from each work area and may include some invited guests; and
(3) Will be used to consider reports of status of old business, to evaluate reports made by the company nurse, to determine if accidents could have been prevented, and to consider reports on new areas needing attention.
(g) OSHA Records and Reports.
(1) Reports will be completed and maintained by the Village of Carrollton, Ohio, as required by Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP), on forms 101 and 200.
(2) Every time there is an Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) accident report completed, the Mayor will send a report-of-accident investigation form to the supervisor of the employee who had the accident and will ask the supervisor to review the situation and to prevent future accidents.
(3) Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) posters are located in all work areas, which are periodically inspected to ensure their display.
(h) Safety Committee Inspections.
(1) Regularly each June, an overall inspection is conducted of the entire premises;
(2) Periodically, the Mayor will request special inspections, more limited, for a special need;
(3) Safety members are continually alert for safety hazards.
(i) Reporting and Alleviating Hazards.
(1) All safety hazards reports are made to the Mayor and Safety Committee;
(2) Corrective action is expected within fifteen days;
(3) Any problems that cannot be corrected will be referred to the personnel manager.
(j) Manuals.
(1) Every safety committee member will have access to any manual that includes Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) policies and procedures and committee meeting minutes;
(2) Manuals should be kept current. At the end of the member’s term on the committee, all materials these will be transferred to the member’s replacement.
(k) Log of Safety Hazards.
(1) The Mayor will maintain a log of safety hazards. There will be brief descriptions of each hazard, to whom it was referred for action, the date action was completed and any comments.
(2) Whenever an Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP compliance officer arrives, the officer should be referred to the Mayor’s office. The Mayor will be contacted.
(l) Safety Work Rules. Safety rules are communicated to workers through supervisors, bulletin boards, employee handbooks, and other publications. They also may be stressed in regular safety meetings and during orientation programs for new employees.
(Res. 1996-10. Passed 6-10-96; Ord. 2008-22. Passed 5-12-08.)
(a) Purpose. This policy states the official guidelines for acquisition and usage of the Village’s communications equipment and services and provides the framework for proper usage of Village issued telephones, cellular phones and pagers. The frameworks flexibility enables officials and employees to provide the best service to the public while limiting public expense. While occasional personal use is permitted, employees should make every effort to avoid using cellular phones, pagers and desk/wall, cordless phones for personal calls.
(b) Policy Statement. Village telephones, cellular phones and pagers are provided to Village officials, appointees and employees who by nature of their job have a routine and continuing business need for use on official Village business. The Village expects appropriate and responsible use of Village communication equipment. Elected officials, appointees and department superintendents are expected to ensure that:
(1) The need for each item of Village-owned communication equipment and services including but not limited to telephones, cellular phones, and pagers are clearly justified for Village business purposes;
(2) Alternative solutions for work production and communications have been considered;
(3) Employees provided with Village communication equipment and services understand the purpose and limitation of usage;
(4) Equipment usage account billings outlining details of usage are received and reviewed for conformance with this policy;
(5) Employees reimburse the Village for non-business use if required by this policy;
(6) Use of a Village equipment usage account is terminated when no longer justified by business requirements or when the employee has by actions demonstrated a disregard for the limitation of this policy.
Employees, who by the nature of their job do not have a routine and continuing business need for cellular equipment but on occasion need to use their personal cellular phone for critical Village business, may be approved for reimbursement. Reimbursement will be made not more than one (1) time per month for business use of a personal equipment usage account. The amount of reimbursement will be limited to the lesser of the actual amount of business phone calls or the amount of the monthly Village rate for an additional cellular phone added to the existing contract. A copy of the personal invoice with the business calls highlighted must be submitted with a requisition for reimbursement.
(c) Definitions.
(1) Telephone: Any Village issued desk, wall or cordless phone connected to the Village telephone equipment system and charged to the Village.
(2) Cellular equipment: Any Village provided cellular telephone also known as wireless telephones which transmit communications via tower antennas, cellular data transmissions/receipt equipment and radio-cellular telephones and any accessories for such owned by the Village.
(3) Pagers/Beepers: A small radio receiver device that when activated and dialed transmits a signal that alerts the person carrying the device.
(4) Base monthly charge: The minimum charge including local usage fees, taxes, franchise fees and other similar costs for one month of service through an equipment usage account.
(5) Equipment usage account: A contract or service agreement by a vendor to provide cellular telecommunication service to a specific item of cellular equipment.
(d) Coverage. All users of the Village of Carrollton’s telecommunication system.
(e) Procedures.
(1) Cellular phones are provided based on authorization of the Mayor and Council to the following Village employees for use for public business in the interest of the citizens of the Village of Carrollton:
Mayor, Police Chief, Water/Sewer Department Superintendent, Street Department Superintendent and two police cruisers.
Pagers will be provided based on authorization of the Mayor and Council and shall be reviewed from year to year.
(2) The Mayor shall establish a system to regularly review users so that designated employees demonstrate a need for cellular phones and pagers to increase efficiency and effectiveness in serving the public.
(3) The Mayor shall establish a system where the Village Administrator and/or the Chief Fiscal Officer reviews as appropriate the cellular phone bills to ensure their use in accordance with this section.
(4) Since the contract with the service provider has a limited amount of share time, employees and officials are cautioned to exercise efficiency and caution with cellular phone usage to prevent costly overages in the time parameters allotted. Each cellular phone has 200 allocated free minutes per month. However, should an individual cellular phone included in the contract not use its allocated share it may be used by another cellular phone as long as the phone using over their allocated minutes does not incur additional charges to the Village.
(5) Employees assigned cellular phones shall reimburse the Village for any personal calls where those calls cause the Village’s bill for that phone to be increased as a consequence of exceeding allocated free minutes on the plan, roaming charges, long distance charges, and any other charges above and beyond the regular monthly service charge for such phone, Personal use of a cell phone is not prohibited but use exceeding de minimus use or that causes additional costs above and beyond the regular monthly service charge shall be reimbursed to the Village by the employee.
(6) Employees must safeguard any cellular and pager equipment in their possession. Employees shall not allow an unauthorized user access to any Village owned communication equipment except in an emergency situation. The loss of any cellular or pager equipment must be reported to the Village Administrator or Chief Fiscal Officer immediately. If theft is suspected, the police should also be notified immediately.
(7) Employees shall exercise extreme caution when driving and only use a cell phone when the vehicle is parked, unless utilizing a “hands-free” speakerphone. If your cell phone rings while driving, allow your voicemail to take the message and retrieve the message when the vehicle is safely parked.
(8) Employees shall limit all cellular calls to no more than ten (10) minutes. Calls over the ten (10) minute limit shall be documented and justification will be required.
Knowingly or intentionally violating any provision contained herein shall be grounds for disciplinary action which may include termination of employment.
(f) Acknowledgment. As an employee of the Village of Carrollton, I have read and understand the Village of Carrollton’s Policy on telephones, cellular phone and pagers acceptable use. Further, that I am aware that any violation of this policy may subject me to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from employment.
Name Supervisor/Superintendent Signature of Employee Date |
(Ord. 2005-07. Passed 7-11-05.)