General Provisions
40.01 Permit to dig in streets
40.02 Application for permit
40.03 Town indemnified
40.04 Street repair
40.05 Excavations, leaving unprotected
40.06 Supervision and control
40.07 Streets not to be damaged
40.08 Moving of buildings
40.09 Placing of poles
40.10 Use of poles and conduits for town purposes
40.11 Barricades
40.12 Obstructing streets
40.13 Encroachments in the public right-of- way
40.14 Damage to bridges, culverts and drainage structures
40.15—40.19 Reserved
Special Street Cleaning
40.20 Acts and conditions requiring special street cleaning or repair prohibited
40.21 Town to clean and repair streets, sidewalks and drains requiring special cleaning or repair
40.22—40.39 Reserved
Obstructions to Cross-Visibility at Intersections Deemed Nuisance
40.40 Obstructions to cross-visibility at intersections deemed nuisance
40.41 Application of restrictions
40.42 Installation and maintenance of signs or certain vegetation or objects prohibited
40.43 Exceptions
40.44 Emergency measures
40.45 Conflicting provisions
40.46 Administration
40.47 Abatement procedure
40.48 Additional remedies
40.49—40.98 Reserved
40.99 Penalty