Administrator means the Director of the Department of Community Services (DCS). As used in this Article, Administrator shall include his or her authorized representatives.
Affected land means the sum of acreage that has been mined, will be mined, or will be affected by mining activity.
Airblast (also known as Air Overpressure) means airborne waves resulting from the detonation of explosives in connection with mining activity. Airblast may be caused by burden movement or the release of expanding gas into the air. Airblast may or may not be audible.
Blast or Blasting means the detonation of explosives by an operator during mining.
City means the City of Carmel, Indiana.
Complete Application means an application for a permit, renewal, modification or transfer which is determined by the Administrator to be complete for the purpose of commencing review of the application in accordance with the requirements pursuant to §6-168, but which may need to be supplemented during the course of review in order to enable the Administrator to make any findings or determinations required by this Article.
Effective Date means the date on which this Article takes effect.
Guiding Principles of the Environmental Stewardship Council means the written document prepared for the Indiana Mineral Aggregates Association comprised of recommended practices and guidelines to manage the environmental and social impacts of mineral extraction.
Haulageway means all roads utilized for mining purposes, together with that area of land over which material is transported, that are located within the land controlled by the operator.
Isoseismic Study means an analysis of blasting events and local geologic conditions by qualified and independent vibration experts to determine the optimum conditions under which blasting can be accomplished to reduce ground vibration and structural response.
Life of the Mine means the total economic and environmental limit of an operation in acres.
Mine means any lands from which mining or processing will occur, including all haulageways and all equipment above, on or below the surface of the ground used in connection with mining.
Minerals mean any naturally formed, usually inorganic rocks, stone, gravel, sand, soil, clay, limestone located on or below the surface of the earth.
Mining means the surface, underwater, or underground extraction of deposits of minerals, using techniques including, but not limited to, excavating, dredging, drilling, crushing, grinding, sorting, sifting, sizing, washing, drying, sawing and cutting stone, blasting, trimming, punching, splitting, and gauging. The term also includes the removal of overburden to provide access to minerals. Mining also includes the construction and use of buildings, facilities and equipment to carry out such activities, exclusive of manufacturing processes. Mining shall not include the excavation, removal and disposition of minerals from construction projects or excavations in aid of agricultural activities.
Mining Plan means a document, consisting of an Operations Plan and a Reclamation Plan that describes proposals for the conduct of an operator's mining method and reclamation of the land thereof and includes the information set forth in § 6-171.
Monitoring Station means a physical location identified by city, county, state, or federal authorities where measurements of environmental conditions may be required.
Operation means any mining or processing.
Operations Plan means a description of activities to be performed by an operator to mine the land over the life of the mine. The Operations Plan shall describe the proposed method of mining the affected land and measures taken to minimize the environmental impacts with special emphasis on minimizing any negative impacts to the surrounding residential areas. The Operations Plan shall include maps, plans, the schedule for mining within the life of the mine, written material, and all information required of an Operations Plan pursuant § 6-171.
Operator means any person engaged in and controlling mining or processing.
Overburden means earth, vegetation, topsoil, subsoil, caprock or non-specification material that must be removed to provide access to minerals.
Particle Velocity is a measure of ground vibration that describes the velocity at which a particle of ground moves when excited by a seismic wave.
Person means any individual, partnership, corporation, legal business entity or governmental agency.
Processing means washing, crushing, grinding, screening, sorting, sizing, and other activities undertaken to prepare extracted minerals for productive use, and the operation of plants, machinery, dams, ponds, canals, power lines, pipe lines, telephone lines, roads, stockpile areas, buildings or offices, and any other machinery or equipment required for the processing of minerals, but shall not include manufacturing processes.
Protected Structure means any dwelling, public building, school, church, commercial or institutional building or other building designated as such by the Administrator, that is or may be impacted by blasting or other impacts of an operation. A Protected Structure does not include structures owned and operated by the operator.
Reclamation means the conditioning of the affected land to make it suitable for any productive use including, but not limited to, the planting of forests, the planting of crops for harvest, the seeding of grass and legumes for grazing purposes, the protection and enhancement of wildlife and aquatic resources, the establishment of recreational, residential, commercial, industrial and other uses demonstrated to be consistent with the Carmel Comprehensive Plan.
Reclamation Plan means a description of activities to be performed by an operator to reclaim the land to be affected over the life of the mine. The Reclamation Plan shall describe the proposed method of reclaiming the affected land, providing, where possible, for orderly, continuing reclamation concurrent with mining and a schedule for reclamation. The Reclamation plan shall include maps, plans, the schedule for reclamation, planting plans, written material and all information required of a Reclamation Plan pursuant § 6-171.
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) means the required plan by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to prevent oil spills from reaching navigable waters of the United States.
Tailings means material of inferior quality or value resulting from the removal, preparation, or processing of minerals.
Utilities Director means the Director of Utilities for the City of Carmel, Indiana. As used in this Article, Utilities Director shall include his or her authorized representative(s).
(Ord. D-1686-04, 4-18-05)