(a) There is hereby established the Carmel Advisory Committee on Disability (the “Committee”).
(b) The Committee shall consist of the following nine (9) members:
1) The City of Carmel’s ADA Coordinator shall be an ex-officio member and will chair the Committee.
2) The Mayor shall appoint three (3) members to serve on the Committee. Two Mayoral appointees shall be appointed for an initial one (1) year calendar term, to hold over until a successor is duly appointed. One (1) Mayoral appointee shall be appointed for an initial two (2) calendar year term, to hold over until a successor is duly appointed. All subsequent Mayoral appointees shall be appointed to a two (2) calendar year term.
3) The Carmel Common Council shall appoint four (4) members to serve on the Committee. Two Council appointees shall be appointed for an initial one (1) year calendar term, to hold over until a successor is duly appointed. Two Council appointees shall be appointed for an initial two (2) calendar year term, to hold over until a successor is duly appointed. All subsequent Council appointees shall be appointed to a two (2) calendar year term.
4) The Superintendent of Carmel-Clay Schools shall appoint one (1) member to serve on the Committee for a two (2) calendar year term, to hold over until a successor is duly appointed.
(c) One employee from the Carmel Human Resource Department and one employee from the Carmel Community Relations and Economic Development Department will serve as advisory members to the Committee and will not have voting power.
(d) Committee members appointed by the Mayor and Council must:
1) Be an individual living with a disability as defined by the ADA, including, but not limited to, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, psychiatric disability, mobility impairment and vision impairment;
2) Provide care for an immediate family member with a disability; or
3) Be employed by or have been involved with an organization which provides services to those with disabilities for a minimum of five years.
(e) Committee members may be re-appointed.
(f) The responsibilities of the Committee shall include:
1) Representing the diverse needs and interests of people with disabilities.
2) Reviewing and commenting on the City's current services, policies and practices.
3) Providing informed input on the development and assessment of future City projects and services that impact people with disabilities.
4) Creating opportunities for people with disabilities to interact on a social basis within the City.
5) Working with local employers to increase employment of people with disabilities in the City.
(g) The Committee shall hold regular meetings on a quarterly basis.
(Ord. D-2508-19, 12-16-19)