(a) Each dog and cat over the age of six (6) months which is kept in the City's corporate limits shall have been sterilized and rendered incapable of reproducing by a licensed veterinarian, unless a breeder's permit, under this Section, has been obtained by an Owner for the animal or a veterinarian has certified in writing that it would not be in the animal's best interest. It shall be unlawful for a person to own a dog or a cat not in compliance with this Section. A violation of this Section shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00.
(b) A breeder's permit shall be obtained by an Owner, as that term is defined under Carmel City Code Section 6-99, for each unaltered dog and/or cat that is at least six (6) months of age or older and kept in the City's corporate limits, unless the Owner has a written certification from a licensed veterinarian stating that it is not in such animal's best interest to be sterilized. Such breeder's permit shall:
(1) Allow the non-sterilization of an animal owned by the permittee for one 12-month period after the date of issuance and the birthing of a maximum of two (2) litters in a 12-month period in his or any domestic household or establishment or any combination thereof;
(2) Allow the owner to offer for sale, sell, trade, or receive other compensation or give away up to two litters of dogs and/or cats in such 12-month period, per permit;
(3) Require the holder of the permit to furnish the Carmel Police Department (the "CPD") with information on the birth of each litter of dogs and cats as may be required by the division to register the litter and be assigned a letter number for each litter.
(c) The holder of a breeder's permit shall:
(1) Transmit to the new owner or buyer the litter number of the animal acquired and the breeder's permit number in order that the new owner has assurance and proof that the animal was legally bred;
(2) Immunize all dogs and cats offered for sale, trade, or other compensation or for free give away against the most common contagious diseases, including, but not limited to, for dogs, canine distemper, hepatitis, Para influenza, and parvo virus, and, for cats, feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleucopenia;
(3) Not offer a puppy or kitten under the age of eight (8) weeks and/or diseased for sale, trade or other compensation or for free giveaway;
(4) Furnish a warrant of health for a period of not less than one week with the recommendation to have the animal examined by a licensed veterinarian for each animal sold, traded, or given away;
(5) Provide Adequate Food, Adequate Shelter, Adequate Space, Adequate Veterinary Care, and Adequate Water, as those terms are defined under Carmel City Code Section 6-99, to all breeding dogs and cats and all puppies and kittens;
(6) Screen buyers to ensure the buyer can provide appropriate care and a safe home to the purchased dog(s) and/or cat(s);
(7) Inform buyers of the local mandatory spay and neuter laws and breeder's permit option, if applicable; or
(8) Require that sold dog(s) and/or cat(s) be returned should the purchaser be unable to keep the purchased dog(s) and/or cat(s) for any reason.
(d) Each breeder's permit shall be obtained from the CPD. The fee for a breeder's permit is $10.00. The CPD shall provide a breeder's permit application with citation to this Section.
(e) A breeder's permit issued pursuant to this article may be suspended or revoked pursuant to conditions or procedures established by the Carmel City Code.
(f) Each holder of a valid breeder's permit shall register additional litters with the CPD. Each additional litter registration shall comply with the same requirements as the original breeder's permit. Failure to register each litter shall be considered a violation of this Section and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100.00.
(g) The requirements of this Section shall not apply to Commercial Breeders, as defined by I.C., 15-21-1-4.
(Ord. D-2343-16, § 2, As Amended, 2-6-17; Ord. D-2511-20, As Amended, 3-16-20)