(a) Every Council ordinance and order, and every Council resolution that by law requires Mayoral approval or veto, shall, immediately upon its passage, enrollment, attestation and signature of the Clerk and presiding officer, be presented by the Clerk to the Mayor, and a record of the time of such presentation made by the Clerk.
(b) If the Mayor approves such ordinance, order or resolution, he shall enter his approval thereon and sign the same, and the ordinance, order or resolution shall become law.
(c) If he does not approve the ordinance, order or resolution, he must return it to the Clerk with his objections stated in writing within ten calendar days after receiving it, and the Clerk shall present the same to the Common Council at its next meeting.
(d) If the Mayor fails to discharge his duty by approving or disapproving such ordinance, order or resolution within the time named, such failure shall be deemed a disapproval, and in all cases of disapproval by the Mayor, such ordinance, order or resolution shall not become a law unless, at its next regular or special meeting after the time named for the Mayor's action, the Council shall again pass the same by a two-thirds vote.
(e) It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the City to place on the agenda any and all ordinances, orders or resolutions, which have received the disapproval of the Mayor, at the next regular or special meeting of the Council.
(`91 Code, § 3-27) (Ord. D-362, § III G III M, 3-22-83; Ord. D- 1836-06, 12-18-06; Ord. D-2066- 11, 11-21-11; Ord. D-2505-19, 12-16-19)
Statutory references:
Ordinances presented to Mayor for approval or veto; adoption procedures, see I.C., 36-4-6-15 through 36-4-6-17