(a) Any person desiring to operate a taxicab or limousine within the city shall apply to the Controller for issuance of a taxicab license. Upon receipt of an application for a taxicab license, the Controller shall submit the application to the City of Carmel's Board of Public Works and Safety, and the matter shall appear as an agenda item at a regularly scheduled Board of Public Works meeting.
(b) Following a favorable decision on an application for a taxicab license under subsection (a), the Controller shall issue a taxicab license to the applicant. The license shall authorize the holder to operate a taxicab or limousine service within the City pursuant to the terms of this chapter and to apply for not more than 30 taxicab driver registrations to be listed and filed as part of the license.
(`91 Code, § 4-44) (Ord. D-512, § I, C, 5-4-87; Ord. D-2317-16, § 6, 9-19-16; Ord. D-2505-19, 12-16-19)