(a) There is established a Department of Law Promotional Fund.
(b) The Fund shall be funded by monies appropriated from the General Fund, and used for the purposes provided by applicable law, with all monies therein being properly receipted and disbursed.
(c) The Fund shall be administered by the City Attorney.
(d) The Fund shall consist of monies properly appropriated therefor and deposited therein, in an amount not to exceed $500 during any one calendar year.
(e) The City Attorney shall account, by separate line item, for the receipt and disbursement of all sums to and from the Fund.
(`91 Code, § 2-117) (Ord. D-687, § 1, 1-7-89; Ord. D-1668-04, 1-5-04; Ord. D-2067-11, 11-7-11)