Residential Code of Ohio
1423.01   Adopted.
1423.02   Purpose.
1423.03   File and distribution copies.
1423.04   Conflict of laws.
1423.99   Penalty.
Adoption of technical codes - see CHTR. 5.06
Power to regulate building erection - see Ohio R.C. 715.26, 715.29, 737.28, 737.37
Power to license house movers, electricians, plumbers, etc. - see Ohio R.C. 715.27
Required submission of plans of public buildings - see Ohio R.C. 3791.04
1423.01 ADOPTED.
   (a)   Pursuant to Section 5.06 of the Charter, there is hereby adopted by and for the Municipality the Residential Code of Ohio for One, Two, and Three-Family Dwellings including: Appendix E Manufactured Housing Used as Dwellings; Appendix G Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs; and Appendix J Existing Buildings and Structures; including the Carlisle/Miami Valley Amendments, and all subsequent revisions.
   (b)   Section G2417(406) Inspections, Testing and Purging, is hereby deleted. Responsibility for inspections of gas service lines within the Municipality shall be the responsibility of the local utility company. The utility shall perform its inspections in accordance with the National Fuel Gas Code and with its filed tariffs, as amended from time to time, and approved by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
1423.02 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of the Residential Code of Ohio, as adopted in Section 1423.01, is to provide uniform standards for the fabrication, erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, location, use, occupancy and maintenance of nonindustrialized, detached one and two-family dwellings, their appurtenances and accessory structures.
(Ord. 5-94. Passed 3-8-94; Ord. 35-04. Passed 12-14-04.)