   Ordinances and resolutions shall be read on three (3) different days, unless readings are dispensed with by a vote of five (5) members elected to the Council. When the requirement of reading on three (3) different days is dispensed with by the required vote, only one (1) reading is required and the ordinance or resolution may be passed forthwith or at a subsequent meeting by a majority vote of Council. Each reading shall be by title only, unless a reading in full is required by a majority vote of the Council.
   Every ordinance and resolution, except emergency ordinances and resolutions, shall become effective at the expiration of thirty (30) days after adoption or at any later date specified therein.
   To meet a public emergency affecting health, safety, morals, or the public welfare, or a special emergency in the operation of a Municipal department or agency, the Council may adopt emergency ordinances and resolutions, but such ordinances and resolutions may not: levy taxes, except when incidental to incurring debt; grant, renew, or extend a franchise, except one affecting health and a franchise given in connection with the issuance of debt obligations; regulate the rate charged by any public utility for its services; or grant any special privileges. An emergency ordinance or resolution shall be introduced in the form and manner prescribed for ordinances or resolutions generally, except that it shall be plainly designated as an emergency ordinance or resolution and shall contain in the preamble or after the enacting clause, a declaration stating that an emergency exists and describing it in clear and specific terms. A proposed emergency ordinance or resolution may be adopted with or without amendment or rejected at the meeting at which it is introduced, but the affirmative vote of at least five (5) members of Council shall be required for adoption. After its adoption the ordinance or resolution shall be published as prescribed for other adopted ordinances or resolutions but it shall become effective immediately upon its adoption unless a later date is specified therein.
   The Council may adopt model or standard codes prepared and published by any public or private agency by reference to the date and source of the code without reproducing it at length in the ordinance or resolution. However, if the Council desires to modify, add to, or eliminate from any such code any section or part thereof, such addition, modification, or omission shall be clearly stated in the ordinance or resolution. In all such cases in which such a code shall be adopted by reference, publication of the code at length, by the Municipality, shall not be required. However, at least one copy of all such codes, including all amendments thereto, shall be kept in the office of the Clerk of Council for consultation by interested persons during regular office hours and additional copies shall be for sale, when available, at cost, by the Clerk of Council.
   Except as otherwise provided in this Charter, ordinances and resolutions may be proposed and submitted to popular vote by initiative and referendum under the procedure set forth in the general laws of Ohio applicable to general statutory plan municipalities. If the Council is required to pass more than one (1) ordinance or resolution to complete and pay for public improvement, the initiative and referendum shall apply only to the first ordinance or resolution approved by the Council or the electors.
   (a)   Authentication and Recording. The Clerk of Council shall authenticate by the Clerk's signature, along with the signature of the Presiding Officer of the Council, and record in full, in a properly indexed Journal kept for the purpose, all ordinances and resolutions adopted by Council.
   (b)   Codification. Within five (5) years after adoption of this Charter and at least every ten (10) years thereafter, the Council shall provide codification of all Municipal ordinances and resolutions having the force and effect of law. The general codification shall be adopted by the Council and shall be published promptly in bound or loose leaf form, together with this Charter and any amendments thereto, including any pertinent provisions (as the Council may specify) of the Ohio Constitution, other laws of the State of Ohio, codes of technical regulations, and other rules and regulations or pertinent supplementary matter of service or interest. The compilation shall be known and cited officially as the Carlisle Municipal Code. Copies of the Municipal Code shall be furnished to Municipal officers, placed in public Municipal offices for free public reference, and made available for purchase by the public at cost determined by Council.
   (c)   Publication and Reproduction of Ordinances and Resolutions. The Council shall cause each ordinance and resolution and each amendment to this Charter to be reproduced promptly following its adoption, and the reproduced ordinances and resolutions and Charter amendments shall be distributed or sold to the public at cost determined by Council. Each ordinance or resolution shall be published by posting for seven (7) days a copy of each ordinance and resolution at the Municipal offices and at two other public places within the Municipality as determined by the Council. The failure to post, or the failure to maintain posting, shall not invalidate an ordinance or resolution. The Council may make further arrangements as it deems necessary with respect to reproduction and distribution of any changes in or additions to the provisions of the Constitution and other laws of the State of Ohio, or the codes of technical regulations, and rules and regulations included in the Municipal Code.