The license fee shall be set by resolution and shall be quarterly, unless otherwise specified by the resolution for the following types of businesses:
   (A)   Selling at wholesale or retail, at a fixed place of business (except as otherwise provided herein), any groceries, provisions, drugs, medicines, oils, paints, chemicals, furniture, dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, hats, caps or any other kind of goods, wares or merchandise whatsoever.
   (B)   Hotel dining room, restaurant, boarding house, chophouse, eating house or eating stand.
   (C)   Hotel, lodging house or rooming house.
   (D)   Coal dealers, wood dealers, sewing machine agents, selling or peddling ice, keeping bakeries, delicatessen shops, millinery shops, renovating establishments, cloth cleaning and dyeing establishments, ice cream and confectionery stores combined, original contractors or contracting mechanics or builders, not house contractors.
   (E)   Attorney, doctor, physician, surgeon, veterinary surgeon, oculist or dentist.
   (F)   Real estate agent or solicitor.
   (G)   Banking business, except banks doing business under the laws of the United States.
   (H)   Brokerage business.
   (I)   Laundry business, other than a steam laundry.
   (J)   Manufacturer of soft beverages, such as soda water and all similar beverages.
   (K)   Draymen.
   (L)   Barbershop and beauty parlor:
   First chair
Second chair
   (M)   Steam laundry, retail butcher shop, livery stable, automobile garage, or tamale parlor or stand.
   (N)   Circus, caravan, carnival, menagerie, street amusement or other similar amusement or attraction of any kind, except as hereinafter provided.
Individual licenses shall be obtained for each ride designed for the use and pleasure of children of the age of twelve (12) years and under and principally used by such children.
This subsection is adopted both as a revenue measure and also in the exercise of the police powers of the council to prevent disorderly conduct and the violation of the provisions of this code.
   (O)   Moving picture theater or place where moving pictures are shown, alone or in conjunction with other theatrical performances or entertainment and for which an admission fee is charged.
   (P)   Hawkers and peddlers:
      1.   The terms "hawkers" and "peddlers", wherever used in this chapter, shall be taken and deemed to mean every person or persons selling or offering for sale, goods, wares or merchandise, dry goods, clothing, groceries, fruits and vegetables, meats, cigars, tobacco, jewelry, automobiles, motor trucks and any and all other goods, wares or merchandise carried on the person or transported by the person, in and by any mode of conveyance, from house to house and place to place and then and there sold or offered for sale in the city.
      2.   All hawkers and peddlers, before entering upon the business of vending and peddling, shall obtain from the clerk and pay for a license to carry on such business of vending and peddling.
For any period of time less than one month.
For a monthly license to carry on such business, which shall date from the first of the month in which the business is transacted.
Provided, however, that no license shall be required from the grower or growers of Nevada products for selling their fruits, vegetables or other agricultural products, butter, eggs, honey or poultry raised or produced in the state of Nevada.
Any person engaged in the sale or disposal of agricultural products of the soil aforesaid, shall make and file with the clerk an affidavit, subscribed by the applicant and sworn to before the clerk, the clerk, showing:
         (a)   The name and address of the applicant and length of residence at such address.
         (b)   The kind of products of the soil to be disposed of.
         (c)   A description by legal subdivisions of the land where such products of the soil were produced.
         (d)   That applicant has not purchased such products from others for the purpose of engaging in the business of vending.
The clerk, upon being satisfied that application is in due form and applicant entitled to offer for sale products of the soil, shall issue to said applicant a permit to offer for sale and dispose of products of the soil of the kind mentioned in the affidavit for a period not exceeding one month.
   (Q)   Slot machines, for gain or profit, for the purpose of vending and disposing of merchandise only; for each and every machine so operated.
   (R)   Agent of any life, fire or accident insurance company or companies, and every agent of any surety company or companies.
   (S)   Billiard table keeper, pool table keeper, shuffleboard keeper or keeper of any game played with ball and cue or other mechanical device including electronic game machines, other than soft drink machines:
   First table or game
Each additional table or game
   (T)   Express, telegraph, telephone companies:
      1.   Express Companies: Every express company having an office, depot, station or agency within the limits of the city engaged in the business or occupation of receiving express in the city from persons in the city and transporting the same from this city within this state to persons and places within this state; and receiving in this city express transported within this state from persons and places in this state to persons within this city and delivering same to persons in this city, except the receipt, transmission, transportation and delivery of any such express for, to, from or on behalf of any department, agent or agency of the United States, and except the receipt, transmission, transportation and delivery of any such express which is or may be interstate commerce.
      2.   Telegraph Companies: Every telegraph company having an office, station or agency within the limits of the city, engaged in the business or occupation of receiving messages in the city from persons in this city and transmitting the same by telegraph from this city within this state to persons and places within this state; and receiving in this city messages from persons and places in this state to persons within the city and delivering same to persons in this city, except the receipt, transmission and delivery of any such messages to, from or on behalf of any department, agent or agency of the United States and except the receipt, transmission and delivery of any such messages which are or may be interstate commerce.
      3.   Telephone Companies: Every telephone company having an office, station or agency within the limits of the city, engaged in the business or occupation of maintaining a public telephone service from points within this city to points and places in this state and from points and places in this state to points within this city, or between points within this city, except the maintenance of telephone service for or on behalf of any department, agent or agency of the United States, and except such service as is or may be interstate commerce.
      4.   Services Mentioned: The express, telegraph and telephone service mentioned as excepted from the operation of subsections (T)1, (T)2 and (T)3 of this section and the business of engaging in, conducting or maintaining such service, are not affected hereby.
      5.   Police Powers: Subsections (T)1, (T)2 and (T)3 of this section are enacted in the exercise of the police powers of the city and for the purpose of raising revenue for the support thereof.
   (U)   Sale of soft drinks, either retail or wholesale.
   (V)   All other lawful trades, callings, industries, occupations, professions and businesses upon which the city of Carlin has the authority to impose and collect a license fee and which are conducted within the corporate limits of the city of Carlin, shall pay a license fee.
   (W)   Each female boarding house within the city of Carlin shall obtain a quarterly license to carry on such business.
   (X)   Petroleum products, delivery thereof: For every person engaged in the business of operating a tank truck or any other vehicle for hauling, peddling and/or wholesale delivery of crude oil, petroleum, distillate, kerosene, gasoline, refined oil or any other petroleum products, either in drums or in bulk, per quarter.
   (Y)   Electric, water, natural or manufactured gas companies: Every person engaged in the business of furnishing electric light or electric power, of furnishing water, natural or manufactured gas, to the inhabitants of the city, per quarter. (Ord. 234, 12-8-2010)