Upon completion of the work which has been authorized by issuance of any permit, except an annual permit, it shall be the duty of the person installing the same to notify the electrical inspector, who shall inspect the installation within twenty five (25) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, of the time such notice is given or as soon thereafter as practicable.
When a certificate of approval is issued authorizing the connection and use of temporary work, such certificate shall be issued to expire at a time to be stated therein and shall be revocable for cause by the electrical inspector.
A preliminary certificate of approval may be issued authorizing the connecting and use of certain specific portions of an incompleted installation; such certificate shall be revocable at the discretion of the electrical inspector.
When any part of a wiring installation is to be hidden from view by the permanent placement of parts of the building, the person, firm or corporation installing the wiring shall notify the electrical inspector and such parts of the wiring installation shall not be concealed until they have been inspected and approved by the electrical inspector or until twenty four (24) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, shall have elapsed from the time of such notification; provided, that on large installations, where the concealment of parts of the wiring proceeds continuously, the person, firm or corporation installing the wiring shall give the electrical inspector due notice and inspections shall be made periodically during the progress of the work.
At least once every three (3) months the electrical inspector shall visit all premises where work may be done under annual permits and shall inspect all electric wiring and equipment installed under such a permit since the date of his last previous inspection and shall issue a certificate of approval for such work as is found to be in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, after the fee required by section 2-5-6 of this chapter has been paid. If upon the inspection, the installation is not found to be fully in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the electrical inspector shall at once forward to the person making the installation, a written notice stating the defects which have been found to exist and these defects shall be corrected and the inspector notified of such correction. (Ord. 213, 2-22-2006)