The electrical inspector shall have the right, during reasonable hours, to enter any building in the discharge of his official duties, or for purpose of making any inspection, reinspection or test of the installation of electric wiring and equipment contained therein, and shall have the authority to cut or disconnect or order and enforce the disconnection of any wire in cases of emergency where necessary for safety to life or property, or where such wire may interfere with the work of the fire department. The electrical inspector is hereby authorized to disconnect or order and enforce the discontinuance of electrical service to any electrical wiring or equipment found to be dangerous to life or property because they are defective or defectively installed until such wiring and equipment and their installation have been made safe and approved by the electrical inspector. The electrical inspector may delegate any of his powers or duties to any of his assistants.
   (A)   Temporary Power:
      {1).   The administrative authority is hereby empowered and authorized to permit and approve the temporary use of electrical current through any wiring or equipment, subject to the limitations and restrictions hereinafter prescribed in this section.
      {1).   No such temporary use of electric current shall be permitted in any case where such use will be a hazard to life or property.
      {1).   No such temporary use of electrical current shall be permitted for a longer period of time than is reasonably necessary to fully comply with the provisions of this code, and such period of time shall not exceed ninety (90) days. The administrative authority upon written request can grant an extension of time.
   (B)   Construction Power: The administrative authority is hereby empowered and authorized to permit and approve the use of electrical current through any wiring or equipment for the purpose of construction. Permits for construction power shall be issued only after the primary building permit has been issued. Any wiring or equipment shall comply with the limitations and restrictions of the electrical code. Construction power wiring and equipment must be removed prior to the final building inspection. (Ord. 213, 2-22-2006)