Uses not specified are prohibited, unless determined by the director to be similar or accessory to at least one of the allowed or permitted uses for that particular zone. If a proposed use is similar to or accessory to a conditionally permitted use, the applicant may only receive permission for the similar or accessory use through a conditional use permit. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)
(1) No signs are allowed in any zones without an approved administrative decision with the following exceptions:
A. Nonilluminated Signs: The following types of signs, when not illuminated, do not require an administrative decision:
1. Signs related to home occupations in accordance with section 07-14-13: of this chapter.
2. Directional or information signs bearing no advertising message located within a parcel, and signs not exceeding four (4) square feet in area erected for the convenience of the public, such as signs identifying restrooms, public telephones, walkways and similar features or facilities.
3. Any sign which is visible only from the parcel on which it is located.
4. Campaign signs, provided they are removed within seven (7) days after the election.
5. Property signs advertising the availability of property for sale, lease, or rent, but shall not be greater than thirty two (32) square feet.
6. Home signs. An accessory sign or nameplate announcing the names of the owners or occupants of the premises.
7. Memorial signs or tablets and names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into the surface or facade of the building.
8. Signs placed by a public utility showing the location of underground facilities.
9. Traffic or other county signs, signs required to be mentioned by law, railroad crossing signs, legal notices and such temporary emergency or nonadvertising signs as may be authorized by the board.
B. Agricultural Zone: Signs for any allowed or approved use not exceeding thirty two (32) square feet in area and not exceeding ten feet (10') in height. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)
C. Commercial And Industrial Zones: For commercial and industrial uses, the area of the sign shall not exceed sixty four (64) square feet and shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height, unless approved by an administrative decision from the director. Signs may be lighted, electric, or have moving parts but may not be a distraction to the public so as to be a traffic hazard. (Ord. 12-006, 3-22-2012)
(2) No sign shall be placed on a highway district right of way unless authorized by the highway district having jurisdiction.
(3) All signs must be placed so as not to block vision by oncoming traffic.
(4) All signs shall be maintained in good order and repair. If damaged, it shall be repaired or removed from the premises within thirty (30) days of notice from DSD.
(5) A building permit for a sign may be required upon review by DSD, or if the sign is over six feet (6') in height and permanently affixed to the ground.
(6) Standards for signs that require an administrative decision:
A. Application And Administrative Requirements: A site plan and letter of intent shall be submitted to DSD for review together with all appropriate fees as established by the adopted fee schedule.
B. Notifications: Upon acceptance of an application, DSD shall provide notification of the sign application by mail to the owners of parcels within six hundred feet (600') of the external boundaries of the parcel on which the sign will be located and shall provide such individuals a period of fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of the mailing to submit comments concerning the proposed sign. DSD shall also provide notice to the appropriate highway district for comment.
C. Comments: The director shall consider all comments that are received within the fifteen (15) day comment period prior to making a final decision concerning the sign request. In considering comments, the director shall evaluate whether such comments adequately demonstrate that the sign would be reasonably compatible with the surrounding vicinity.
D. Approval Shall Be At The Discretion Of The Director: The director shall consider all of the application materials as well as all comments received relating to the application and the uses of the surrounding properties in the determination of the compatibility of the proposed sign. The burden is on the applicant to show compatibility. The director may require conditions that are necessary to make the sign compatible with the surrounding vicinity.
E. Notice Of Decision: The director shall give notice of the decision granting or denying the application, to those previously notified of the pending application.
F. Appeal By Affected Person: Any affected person who is aggrieved by the director's decision as to an application pursuant to this subsection, may file a written notice of appeal in accordance with section 07-05-07, "Appeal Of Director Administrative Decision", of this chapter. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)
In residential and agricultural zones, there are no county regulations regarding the maximum area of a lot which shall be occupied by impervious surface. In commercial and industrial zones, the area of a lot occupied by impervious surface shall not exceed eighty five percent (85%) of the total area of the lot. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)
Property lines of unplatted parcels may be adjusted in accordance with the following:
(1) The adjustment does not create eligibility for a building permit or administrative lot split on a parcel that was otherwise ineligible;
(2) The adjustment does not create any additional parcels;
(3) The adjustment does not result in the relocation of a building permit or provide for an administrative lot split onto a contiguous parcel that is not eligible for an administrative lot split;
(4) A recorded survey showing all changes to affected property lines shall be submitted to DSD;
(5) The adjustment does not create parcels smaller than the minimum lot size for the zone in which the property is located, unless the adjustment increases the size of an existing parcel that was smaller than the minimum lot size for the corresponding zone prior to the adjustment;
(6) Original property lot lines may not be adjusted by more than eighty feet (80') except that the director may allow the adjustment of over eighty feet (80') if the adjustment does not cause injury, damage or a safety hazard;
(7) The adjustment shall not alter the location of any platted lot line;
(8) The property owner has submitted the application form, required supporting information and the applicable fee as established by the adopted fee schedule;
(9) If the adjustment involves contiguous parcels with different owners, both property owners shall submit their written consent to the adjustment with the application. However, only one application form and fee are required;
(10) Upon compliance with the above items of this section, the Director shall, within ten (10) business days, issue a permit for the property boundary adjustment. The property owner shall record the permit from the Director and the corresponding survey and legal description with the Canyon County Recorder's Office. (Ord. 10-006, 8-16-2010)