The nationally recognized codes as adopted above, are hereby changed, altered, deleted and amended as follows:
(1) International Building Code, 2018 edition: The following sections are hereby amended:
A. Section R101.1 insert: Canyon County.
B. Section 105 Permits: "105.2 Work Exempt From Permit" will amend and add to list under "Building":
14. Ornamental windmills, flagpoles or other similar fixtures as determined by the director or the director's designee.
15. Agricultural building as defined in chapter 6, article 1 of the Canyon County code of ordinances.
C. Section 105 Permits: "105.3 Application For Permit" will be amended to read as follows:
To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file and complete a zoning compliance permit as required by Canyon County code of ordinances, subsection 07-12-01(1), as amended.
D. Section 109 Fees: "109.2 Schedule Of Permit Fees" shall be amended to provide that building permit, zoning compliance/permit, inspection, plan review, certificate of occupancy, and appeal fees shall be approved and adopted by resolution of the board of county commissioners.
E. Section 113 Board Of Appeals: The addition of a new section 113.3.1 Appeal Board Membership: The board of county commissioners will appoint a three (3) person board of appeals, to stand as needed, with membership to be selected from but not limited to the following list of professionals in the various fields of expertise in the building industry:
The city of Caldwell, Idaho building official or their designee;
The city of Nampa, Idaho building official or their designee;
The Caldwell, Idaho rural fire district fire chief or their designee;
The Nampa, Idaho rural fire district fire chief or their designee;
The Middleton, Idaho rural fire district chief or their designee;
The president of the Snake River Valley Building Contractors Association or their designee;
A licensed Idaho architect;
A licensed Idaho structural engineer.
F. Section 114 Violations: "114.4 Violations Penalties" shall be amended to reference section 06-01-17: of the Canyon County code of ordinances.
G. Section "502.1 Address Identification" shall be amended to read as follows:
The addressing of each commercial, industrial and public building must be approved by the county and the governing fire district. The requirements of Canyon County code of ordinances, chapter 6, article 5 (uniform street name and addressing ordinance) must be met, except that the approved address numbers for commercial, industrial and public buildings shall be a minimum of ten (10) inches in height. Named private lanes shall be on a sign of a design approved by the board of county commissioners and installed at the entrance at a publicly maintained road on a breakaway type pole.
H. Section 1612.3 insert: Canyon County.
I. Section 1612.3 insert: 1993.
(2) International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings, 2012 edition: The following section(s) are hereby amended:
A. Section R101.1 insert: Canyon County.
B. Section R105 Permits: "R105.2 Work Exempt From Permit" will add to list under Building:
• 11. Cabinet work or shelving.
• 12. Gutters and down spouts.
C. Section R105 Permits: "R105.3 Application For Permit" will be amended to read as follows:
To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file and complete a zoning compliance permit as required by Canyon County code of ordinances, section 07-12-01(1), as amended.
D. Section R108 Fees: "108.2 Schedule Of Permit Fees" shall be amended to provide that building permit, zoning compliance/permit, inspection, plan review, certificate of occupancy and appeal fees shall be approved and adopted by resolution of the board of county commissioners.
E. Section R112 Board Of Appeals: The addition of a new section R112.3.1 Appeal Board Membership: The board of county commissioners will appoint a three (3) person board of appeals, to stand as needed, with membership to be selected from but not limited to the following list of professionals in the various fields of expertise in the building industry:
• The city of Caldwell, Idaho building official or their designee;
• The city of Nampa, Idaho building official or their designee;
• The Caldwell, Idaho rural fire district fire chief or their designee;
• The Nampa, Idaho rural fire district fire chief or their designee;
• The Middleton, Idaho rural fire district chief or their designee;
• The president of the Snake River Valley Building Contractors Association or their designee;
• A licensed Idaho architect;
• A licensed Idaho structural engineer.
F. Section R113 "R113.4 Violation Penalties" shall be amended to reference section 06-01-17: of the Canyon County code of ordinances.
G. Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria: Section R301.2, "Climatic And Geographic Design Criteria", table R301.2(1) shall be changed to read as follows:
TABLE R301.2(1)1,2
Ground Snow Load | Wind Design | Seismic Design Category
f |
Subject To Damage From | Winter Design Tempe | Ice Barrier Underlayment Requiredh |
Flood Hazardsg | Air Freezing Indexi | Mean Annual Tempj | |||
Speedd (mph) | Topographic EffectsK | Weatheringa |
Frost Line Depthb | Termitec | |||||||
25 psf | 90 | No | B | Severe | 24" | Slight to moderate | 10°F | Yes |
980 | 51°F |
1. For SI: 1 pound per square foot = 0.0479 kN/m2, 1 mile per hour = 1.609 km/h.
2. Language explaining the letters a. through k., inclusively, found in the above table, is included with the table in the international residential code and is incorporated by reference as if fully rewritten herein.
H. Section "R319.1 Site Address" shall be amended to read as:
• 1. Named private lanes shall be on a sign of a design approved by the board of county commissioners and installed at the entrance at a publicly maintained road on a breakaway type pole.
• 2. Approved address numbers a minimum of six (6) inches in height and in a contrasting color shall be placed on all new buildings in such a position as to be clearly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property.
• 3. When a building is set back from the public way on a private lane and/or the address is not visible from the street or road fronting the property, in addition to the building address number required by this section, there must also be placed on a post adjacent to the private lane an address number that shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in height and in a contrasting color to the post.
• 4. During any construction properties will be posted in such a position as to be clearly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property.
(3) International Energy Conservation Code,
edition: The following section(s) are hereby amended:
A. Section C101.1 insert: Canyon County.
B. Section R101.1 insert: Canyon County.
(4) International Mechanical Code, 2012 edition: The following section(s) are hereby amended:
A. Section 101.1 insert: Canyon County.
B. Section 106 Permits: "106.5.2 Fee Schedule" shall be amended to provide that building permit, zoning compliance/permit, inspection, plan review; and building permit related fees shall be approved and adopted by resolution of the board of county commissioners.
C. Section 108 Violations: "108.4 Violation Penalties" shall be amended to reference section 06-01-17: of the Canyon County code of ordinances.
D. Section 109 Means Of Appeal: "109.2 Membership Of Board" shall be amended to read as:
The board of county commissioners will appoint a three (3) person board of appeals to stand as needed.
E. Section 109.2.2 Alternate Members; section 109.2.3 Chairman; section 109.2.4 Disqualification Of Members; section 109.2.5 Secretary; section 109.2.6 Compensation Of Members; are deleted.
F. Section 903 Factory Built Fireplaces: The addition of a new section
"Provisions For Mitigating Indoor Air Pollutants Emitted By Unvented Gas Fireplaces".
Unvented gas fireplaces shall not be permitted without the installation of a supplemental whole-house ventilation strategy, which will serve to provide a non-passive outside air source to the living space during the time of fireplace operation. Such a strategy may be provided through the installation of an approved air-to-air heat exchanger, or an engineered ventilation system designed to mitigate those combustion byproducts emitted by the unvented gas burning appliance.
(5) International Fuel Gas Code,
edition: The following section(s) are hereby amended:
A. Section 101.1 insert: Canyon County.
B. Section 106 Permits: "106.5.2 Fee Schedule" shall be amended to provide that building permit, zoning compliance/permit, inspection, plan review; appeal and building permit related fees shall be approved and adopted by resolution of the board of county commissioners.
C. Section 108 Violations: "108.4 Violation Penalties" shall be amended to reference section 06-01-17: of the Canyon County code of ordinances.
D. Section 109 Means Of Appeal: "109.2 Membership Of Board" shall be amended to read as: The board of county commissioners will appoint a three (3) person board of appeals to stand as needed.
E. Section 109.2.2 Alternate Members; section 109.2.3 Chairman; section 109.2.4 Disqualification Of Members; section 109.2.5 Secretary; section 109.2.6 Compensation Of Members; are deleted.
(6) International Existing Building Code, 2015 edition: The following section(s) are hereby amended:
A. Section 101.1 insert: Canyon County.
B. Delete the following exception under Section 101.2 Scope: Exception: Detached one- and two-family dwellings and single-family dwellings (townhouses) not more than three stories above grade plane in height with a separate means of egress, and their accessory structures not more than three stories above grade plane in height, shall comply with this code or the International Residential Code. (Ord. 18-001, 1-2-2018; amd. Ord. 21-002, 1-7-2021)
It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with the preceding sections, or any part or provision, of this chapter. Upon conviction violations shall be punishable according to section 01-01-07 of the County's Ordinance, General Penalty. Criminal enforcement shall not foreclose use of other remedies in this chapter. It shall be the duty of the building official and his designated agent(s) to enforce the provisions of this article in all places within unincorporated County.(Ord. 15-004, 3-13-2015; amd. Ord. 21-030, 10-14-2021)
It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this article which shall be punishable as provided for in Idaho Code 18-113, as amended, in the Magistrate Division of the District Court of the 3rd Judicial District of the State of Idaho, in and for the County of Canyon. Each day an offense continues shall be considered a separately punishable offense. All court proceedings shall be processed and adjudicated in accordance with the Idaho Misdemeanor Criminal Rules. (Ord. 15-004, 3-13-2015)
Should any action or provision of this article be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the article as a whole or a part thereof other than the part declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. (Ord. 15-004, 3-13-2015)