No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle upon a street, other than an alley, in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of the roadway for free movement of vehicular traffic, except that a driver may stop temporarily during the actual loading or unloading of passengers or when directed to by a police officer or traffic control signal.
Except as otherwise provided by law, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley except while actually loading and unloading, and then only for a period not to exceed thirty minutes.
Upon any street or highway no person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, overnight or otherwise, upon the paved or main traveled portion of the street or highway when it is practicable to stop, park or leave such vehicle off such portion of such street or highway.
(Ord. 1994-53. Passed 10-19-94.)
(a) (1) No person shall park any vehicle at any of the following places:
A. Within the road right of way on Edwards Street from Lisbon Street to West Main Street.
B. The south end of the Park (South Broad Street) for a distance of 125 feet north on the west curb of the east side of Broad Street.
C. On the north side of Callahan Road 300 feet from the intersection of North Broad Street and Callahan Road.
D. On the north side of Main Street between the east side of Broad Street and the west side of Broad Street.
E. On the north side of West Main Street adjacent to properties owned by trustees of the First Presbyterian Church.
F. On the west side of the west portion of South Broad Street from the crosswalk in front of the Farmers National Bank south to the driveway between the Farmers National Bank and the building immediately south of that driveway.
G. On the west side of South Broad Street, south from the intersection of South Broad Street and Court Street to the front building line of the Olde Courthouse Building extended.
H. Within the road right of way on east Main Street from the east portion of Hillside Drive east to the corporate limits.
I. Within the road right of way on Court Street from Cross Street to South Broad Street.
J. On the east side of North Briarcliff from Bradford Drive to Barbcliff Drive.
(Ord. 1978-22. Passed 5-16-78.)
K. Within the road right of way for the full length of Cardinal Drive.
(Ord. 1991-33. Passed 9-17-91.)
L. On the east side of Wadsworth Street.
M. On the west side of Wadsworth Street (Except: Within the “15 Minute Parking” zone which extends from the school’s main driveway entrance 150 feet south, and is marked with “15 Minute Parking” signs).
(Ord. 1997-20. Passed 5-7-97.)
N. On the east side of South Broad Street from Indian Lake Blvd. south to 150 feet north of Fairground Blvd.
(Ord. 1998-05. Passed 3-4-98.)
O. On Lisbon Street between the east side of Broad St. and the west side of Broad St. (Ord. 2000-13. Passed 2-16-00.)
P. On both sides of Blueberry Hill Drive from the intersection of Blueberry Hill Drive and Deer Trail Drive a distance of 400 feet north.
Q. On both sides of Deer Trail Drive from the intersection of Deer Trail Drive and Blueberry Hill Drive a distance of 250 feet east.
(Ord. 2000-22. Passed 7-12-00.)
R. On both sides of Fairview Avenue from the southerly right-of-way line of East Main Street a distance of 150 feet south.
(Ord. 2003-45. Passed 12-17-03.)
S. On the north side of West Main Street from westerly property line of City Lot Number 968 to the westerly right-of-way line of Cardinal Drive a distance of 450 feet east.
(Ord. 2016-21. Passed 7-3-16.)
T. On the South side of Fair Street from South Broad Street (SR 46) west to Oak Street.
U. On the South side of Fair Park Drive from Oak Street west to the parking lot.
(Ord. 2017-32. Passed 11-1-17.)
(Ord. 2017-32. Passed 11-1-17.)
(2) Parking shall be limited to single lane parallel in the following places:
A. On the east side of the east portion of South Broad Street from the United Methodist Church driveway south to a point 115 feet north of the north side of Scott Street.
B. On the north and south sides of East Main Street and West Main Street from Hillside Drive to Cardinal Drive.
(Ord. 1993-52. Passed 9-7-93.)
(b) No person shall park any vehicle at any time at the fifty foot entrance front of Memorial Building, west side of Broad Street, except for the purpose of loading or unloading merchandise, materials or passengers. (Ord. 1994-52. Passed 10-19-94.)
(c) When signs are erected in each block giving notice thereof, no person shall park a vehicle for a period longer than two hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and public holidays within the district or upon any of the following streets:
(1) From West Main Street to Court Street on the west side of South Board Street.
(2) From East Broad Street to West Broad Street on Main Street on the south side thereof.
(3) From the corner of South Broad Street on West Main Street to the intersection thereof with the easterly line of Canfield Municipality Lot Number 211.
(4) Two hour parking limit on West Broad Street between Main Street and Court Street.
(5) Thirty minute parking limit on the south side of Lisbon Street from West Broad Street, west 450 feet.
(Ord. 1978-22. Passed 5-16-78.)
(d) No person shall park any vehicle at the following listed locations on Labor Day and the four days preceding from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight:
(1) Fairground Boulevard from Route 46 to and including 241 Fairground Boulevard.
(2) Indian Lake Boulevard.
(3) Holly Street.
(4) Fairview Avenue from Maple Street to Fairground Boulevard.
(5) Hood Drive from Fairground Boulevard to Indian Lake Boulevard.
(6) Fair Street from Route 46 to Oak Street.
(7) Oak Street from Fair Street to Kirk Street.
(8) Route 46 from Fairground Boulevard to Olde Courthouse Building.
(9) Kirk Street from Route 46 to Oak Street.
(Ord. 1978-41. Passed 8-8-78.)
(a) No person shall stand or park a vehicle upon any street, alley or public ground within the Municipality for a period in excess of ninety-six consecutive hours. Any vehicle parked in violation hereof shall be deemed abandoned and may be impounded and sold, subject to the provisions of Ohio R.C. 4513.60 et seq.
(Ord. 1966-3. Passed 3-15-66.)
(b) The Police Chief, upon complaint of any person adversely affected, may order into storage any motor vehicle that has been left on private residential property for at least four hours without the permission of the person having the right to the possession of the property. The Chief of Police, upon complaint of the owner of a repair garage or place of storage, may order into storage any motor vehicle that has been left at the garage or place of storage for a longer period than that agreed upon. The place of storage shall be designated by the Chief of Police. When ordering a motor vehicle into storage, pursuant to this subsection, the Chief of Police shall, whenever possible, arrange for the removal of such motor vehicle by a private tow truck operator or towing company. Subject to the provisions stated herein, the owner of the motor vehicle that has been removed pursuant to this section may recover the vehicle only in accordance with the provisions stated herein.
(c) The provisions of this section do not apply to any private residential or private agricultural property that is established as a private tow-away zone in accordance with Section 351.17.
(d) "Private residential property" means private property on which is located one or more structures that are used as a home residence or sleeping place by one or more persons. Private residential property does not include any private property on which is located one or more structures that are used as a home or residence or sleeping place by two or more persons, if more than three separate households are maintained in the structure or structures.
(e) The Chief of Police shall maintain a record of motor vehicles that he orders into storage, pursuant to subsection (b) hereof, and of vehicles removed from private property in his jurisdiction that is established as a private tow-away zone of this he has received notice. The record shall include an entry for each motor vehicle or vehicle that identifies the motor vehicle's license number, make, model and color, the location from which it was removed, the date and time of its removal, the telephone number of the person from whom it may be recovered, and the address of the place to which it has been taken and from which it may be recovered. Any information on the record that pertains to a particular motor vehicle or vehicle shall be provided to any person who either in person or pursuant to a telephone call identifies himself as the owner or operator of the motor vehicle or vehicle and requests information pertaining to its location. Any person who registers a complaint that is the basis of the Police Chief's order for the removal and storage of the motor vehicle under subsection (b) hereof shall provide the identity of the law enforcement agency with which the complaint was registered to any person who identifies himself as the owner or operator of the motor vehicle and requests information pertaining to the location.
(Ord. 1994-60. Passed 11-1-94.)
No person shall park, store or permit to be parked or stored for a period of more than thirty days an unlicensed motor vehicle or any part or parts thereof upon any lot or land other than that of a junk dealer or licensed automobile dealer unless it is in a completely enclosed building or garage. The Division of Police is hereby authorized to serve notice on property owners or persons in possession of any such lot or land upon which an unlicensed motor vehicle or any part or parts thereof is stored. The period of thirty days shall commence to run the next day following the service of the notice. No person who is the owner or in charge or possession of any such lot or land on which such unlicensed motor vehicles or part or parts thereof are parked or stored outside shall fail to remove the same after notice as aforesaid.
(Ord. 1966-3. Passed 3-15-66.)
(a) If an owner of private property posts on the property in a conspicuous manner, a prohibition against parking on the property or conditions and regulations under which parking is permitted, no person shall do either of the following:
(1) Park a vehicle on the property without the owner's consent;
(2) Park a vehicle on the property in violation of any condition or regulation posted by the owner.
(b) Except as provided in Ohio R.C. 4513.60 to 4513.65 and subject to the requirements of this section, the owner of private property or his authorized agent may remove, or cause to be removed, any vehicle parked on the property in violation of a posted parking prohibition, condition or regulation.
(c) The owner of private property may create a private tow-away zone only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The owner posts on his property a sign that is at least eighteen inches by twenty-four inches in size, that is visible from all entrances to the property and that contains at least all of the following information:
A. A notice that the property is a private tow-away zone and that vehicles not authorized to park on the property shall be towed away;
B. The telephone number of the person from whom a towed-away vehicle can be recovered, and the address of the place to which the vehicle will be taken and from which it may be recovered;
C. A statement that the vehicle may be recovered at any time during the day or night upon the submission of proof of ownership and the payment of a towing charge in an amount not to exceed forty dollars ($40.00) and a storage charge in an amount not to exceed five dollars ($5.00) per twenty-four hour period.
(2) The place to which the towed vehicle is taken and from which it may be recovered is conveniently located, is well lighted and is on or within a reasonable distance of a regularly scheduled route of one or more modes of public transportation, if any public transportation is available in the Municipality.
(d) If a vehicle is parked on private property that is established as a private tow-away zone in accordance with subsection (c) hereof, without the consent of the owner of the property, the owner and the operator of the vehicle shall be deemed to have consented to the removal and storage of the vehicle, and to the payment of the towing and storage charges specified in subsection (c)(1)C. hereof, and the owner may recover the vehicle only upon submission of proof of ownership and the payment of such charges. However, if the owner or operator of the vehicle arrives after the vehicle has been prepared for removal but prior to its actual removal from the zone, the owner or operator shall be given the opportunity to pay a fee of no more than one-half of the normal towing charge of the person who has prepared the vehicle for removal in order to obtain release of the vehicle. Upon payment of this fee, the vehicle shall be released to the owner or operator and upon release of the vehicle, the owner or operator immediately shall move the vehicle so that it is not parked on the private property established as a private tow-away zone without the consent of the owner.
(e) No owner of private property shall remove, or shall cause the removal and storage of, any vehicle pursuant to this section by tow truck or tow truck operator in violation of any other municipal ordinance regulating such truck or operator.
(f) Except as provided in Ohio R.C. 4513.60 to 4513.65 and Section 303.08 of this Traffic Code, no person shall remove, or cause to be removed, any vehicle from private property other than in accordance with this section.
(g) If an owner of private property, or his authorized agent, removes or causes the removal of a vehicle from that property pursuant to this section the owner or agent shall notify the police of the removal and of the vehicle's license plate number.