Burning restricted in all commercial, manufacturing and office districts.
Burning restricted in all Residential, Residential Mobile Home Park, Residential/Office and Special Districts.
Special permits; exceptions.
Air pollution control - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3704
Permit to burn construction debris - see Ohio R.C. 3704.11(C)
Spreading fire through negligence - see Ohio R.C. 3737.62
Open burning - see OAC Ch. 3745
(a) No person shall burn any trash, rubbish or any other flammable or combustible materials within any commercial, manufacturing or office district within the City, except in a properly constructed incinerator and operated per the Ohio Fire Code.
(b) No person shall burn any trash, rubbish or any other flammable or combustible materials within any commercial, manufacturing or office district within the City in a properly constructed incinerator which causes or results in the emanation of any noxious or offensive smoke or foul odor in the opinion of the Fire Chief. (Ord. 1989-9. Passed 3-7-89.)
(a) No person shall burn any trash, rubbish or any other flammable or combustible material within any Residential, Residential PUD, Residential Multi-family, Residential/ Office or Special Districts within the City. (Ord. 1989-9. Passed 3-7-89.)