1157.01 General provisions.
1157.02 Requirements and filing procedures for mobile home parks.
1157.03 Design standards.
1157.04 Conditions of approval.
Mobile home defined - see 1123.01(72)
District established - see P. & Z. 1137.02
District regulations - see P. & Z. 1141.10
Intent of District - see P. & Z. 1139.01(a)(10)
Off-street parking requirements - see P.& Z. Ch. 1161
Mobile home requirements - see BLDG. 1309.19
(a) The standards and procedures for the approval of an R-MHP mobile home park development plan are specified in Section 1141.10 and as provided in this chapter.
(b) No person may apply for a zoning certificate and building permit for a Mobile Home Park without first obtaining approval from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
(c) Mobile homes, travel trailers, boats and house vehicles shall not be used as living quarters, except that mobile homes may be occupied within a mobile home park.
(d) Any mobile home in a mobile home park must be permanently affixed to the ground. No person shall occupy or sleep in any mobile home unless they meet the requirements of this chapter, and those stated in Section 1141.10.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
The owner/developer shall file a mobile home park plan for proposed mobile home park with the Planning Commission. The mobile home park plan shall include and specify the information required in this chapter and in Section 1141.10 and shall contain the following text and map information:
(a) The proposed location, site size, total number of mobile home sites to be developed, the production schedule for the development.
(b) Proposed location, size and use of the nonresidential portions of the tract, including usable open space, parklands, playgrounds and other areas and spaces, including their suggested ownership.
(c) Proposed provisions for water, sanitary sewer, surface drainage and fire protection facilities, including engineering feasibility studies or other pertinent information.
(d) Proposed traffic circulation pattern, including location of private streets, walks and other access-ways showing their relationship to existing streets and topographic features.
(e) Information on the use or re-use of existing features such as topography, drainage- ways, tree cover, structures, streets and easements.
(f) Names and addresses of the owners of all properties lying within 200 feet of any part of the R-MHP tract proposed for development approval.
(g) Deed restrictions, covenants, easements and encumbrances to be used to control the use, development and/or maintenance of the zoning tract.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)
The tract of land to be developed as a mobile home park shall contain a minimum of fifteen acres, and shall be served by public water and sanitary sewers.
Before a mobile home park may be occupied, it shall be a condition that at least one-third percent of the mobile home lots be completed and ready for occupancy, which completion shall include, but not be limited to, the installation of all roadways and drives, sidewalks, lighting, public utilities, service and management buildings serving the sites to be occupied. Before any site may be occupied, all facilities required for serving the site with emergency vehicles shall be completed.
(a) Lot Size. Every mobile home hereafter placed in a mobile home park shall be on a space or lot having an area of not less than 10,890 square feet; and every mobile home park shall contain a density of not more than six mobile homes per gross acre.
(b) Lot Covering. Each mobile home dwelling, including accessory buildings, garages and porches, shall not cover more than forty percent of the area of the mobile home space or lot on which it is placed.
(c) Placement. Every mobile home placed on a mobile home space or lot shall front upon an interior drive within the mobile home park.
(d) Floor Area. Every mobile home dwelling hereafter placed upon a mobile home space or lot shall have a total ground floor area of not less than 1,200 square feet measured from the outside exterior walls including utility rooms, but excluding open porches, breezeways and garages.
(e) Height. No mobile home, accessory or related use shall exceed one story or fifteen feet in height.
(f) Yard Requirements. No mobile home shall be placed on a mobile home space or lot unless the following yards are provided and maintained in connection with such mobile home dwellings:
(1) Front yard. Each mobile home space or lot shall have a front yard of not less than fifty feet.
(2) Side yard. Each mobile home space or lot shall have a side yard on each side of not less than fifteen feet, except for corner spaces or lots which shall be not less than twenty feet.
(3) Rear yard. Each mobile home space or lot shall have a rear yard of not less than twenty feet.
(g) Streets, Sidewalks and Parking.
(1) Every mobile home park shall provide a main entrance drive not less than thirty-six feet wide. All other drives shall be of a width and design necessary for the use required as determined by the Municipal Engineer, except that no drive shall have a usable travel width less than twenty-four feet.
(2) All drives shall be protected at the edges by curbs, gutters or other suitable edging as necessary to provide for the stabilization of the pavement and adequate drainage.
(3) All mobile home space or lots shall abut a driveway.
(4) Every mobile home park shall contain common walkways not less than three feet wide where pedestrian traffic is concentrated for the safety and convenience of the pedestrian. Driveways, not including walks, shall be graded in such manner that walks can be added later. Individual walks from each mobile home stand to its paved parking shall also be provided.
(5) Within the boundary of each mobile home space or lot there shall be two paved parking spaces not closer than three feet to the mobile home dwelling, nor closer than ten feet from any mobile home dwelling on an adjoining space or lot.
(h) Utility Requirements.
(1) Water. Every mobile home park shall be served by public water.
(2) Fire protection. For fire protection purposes, there shall be domestic water under adequate pressure in standard fire hydrants approved by the Municipal Engineer, which hydrants shall be located within 500 feet of every mobile home space or lot within the mobile home park.
(3) Sanitary Sewers. Every mobile home park shall be served by the Municipal sanitary sewerage system.
(4) Storm drainage. Adequate storm drainage for each mobile home lot shall be provided.
(5) Refuse collection. Where refuse collection is not provided by the Municipality, carried out on an individual lot basis, there shall be refuse disposal receptacles located within 200 feet of each mobile home space or lot. The type, size and location of such receptacles shall be approved by the Municipality.
(6) Petroleum gas or fuel. When petroleum gas or fuel is used in the mobile home park, the containers for such gas or fuel shall be the container approved by the Municipality.
(7) Fuel oil supply. When fuel oil systems are used, they shall be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable state and local codes and regulations. All fuel oil storage containers, barrels, tanks or cylinders and piping to the mobile homes shall be securely fastened in place and protected against physical damage.
(8) Natural gas system. When natural gas piping systems are used, they shall be installed underground in accordance with applicable codes and regulations and public utility standards. Each mobile home lot provided with piped natural gas shall have an approved manual shutoff valve installed upstream of the gas outlet. The outlet shall be equipped with an approved method to prevent accidental discharge of gas when the outlet is not in use.
(i) Mobile Home Stand and Skirts. Each mobile home dwelling shall be placed on and have its four corners supported by and anchored to a concrete foundation designed to carry the load placed thereon. Rigid skirts designed to screen and seal the space between the mobile home and its concrete foundation shall be installed within sixty days from the time that the mobile home is placed on the space or lot.
(j) Communal Facilities. In all mobile home parks, the following facilities shall be provided and available to residents:
(1) Management and maintenance offices including storage facilities for groundskeeping equipment.
(2) Laundry and drying facilities in a permanent structure which shall be in a convenient, accessible location.
(3) Safe, usable, conveniently located recreation area or areas shall be located in each mobile home park, and shall comprise an area equal to eight percent of the gross area of the mobile home park tract,
(k) Peripheral Buffer. All mobile home park tracts which are adjacent to an R, R/O or A-1 Zoning District shall provide a fifty foot wide planting strip which extends along all outside boundaries contiguous to the R, R/O or A-1 Zoning District. The strips shall be planted with trees and shrubs that will provide a dense screen at all times, and shall be maintained in good condition by the owner.
(Ord. 1973-44. Passed 12-18-73.)